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About CTE

Indiana sees Career and Technical Education (CTE) as an important bridge between K-12 education, higher education, industry, and workforce development. Cutting-edge, rigorous CTE programs prepare youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, in-demand careers. Indiana's vision for CTE is:

  • CTE Vision Statement: CTE, through integrated career pathways focused on providing opportunities for career coaching and navigation, college credit and credential attainment, and participation in work-based learning (WBL), will have a measurable impact on an individual’s economic and social mobility and prosperity outcomes and an employer’s access to a well-qualified talent pipeline necessary to start or grow a business.
Indiana Career and Technical Education State Plan 

Indiana's Perkins State Plan was approved by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education in May of 2024. The Plan covers the next four fiscal years, FY 2024-2027, and outlines how Indiana will utilize federal Perkins funding to achieve priority goals and commitments. 

An Executive Summary highlights key changes within the State Plan and how it connects with the Commission’s HOPE Agenda, Indiana’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Plan, and a forthcoming CTE Strategic Plan. A CTE Strategic Plan will be released this fall.

CTE Awards for Excellence

The annual CTE Awards for Excellence ceremony recognizes outstanding students, programs or study, partnerships, and career counselors/advisors at the secondary and postsecondary level. Nominations for the 2025 Awards for Excellence are currently open and can be accessed at the links below. The nomination deadline is March 3.

2025 Secondary AFE Nomination Information
2025 Postsecondary AFE Nomination Information

Previous Award Winners:
2023-2024 Awards for Excellence Recipients 
2022-2023 Awards for Excellence Recipients
2021-2022 Awards for Excellence Recipients
2020-2021 Awards for Excellence Recipients