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Cattle and Bison Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

The following is a summary of Indiana's animal health laws governing the transportation of cattle and bison into Indiana. Indiana's cattle and bison identification, movement, and testing laws can be viewed in more detail in 345 IAC 1-2, 345 IAC 1-3-7.5, and 345 IAC 2. For additional information, contact the Indiana State Board of Animal Health Division at (317)544-2397 or toll free at (877)747-3038, or click here to submit an e-mail inquiry.


If the animal is to be entered in a livestock exhibition in Indiana, see also the Indiana exhibition requirements. Exhibition Requirements.


Official identification is REQUIRED for:

  • All ages and breeds used for rodeos, shows, exhibitions, or recreational events
  • All sexually intact and 18 months of age or older
  • All dairy (including crosses), regardless of age


  • Animals moving directly to slaughter, or directly to a licensed market for resale as direct to slaughter
  • Animals moving directly to a licensed market, where the animal will receive official identification

All forms of official identification recognized by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health are approved by USDA for interstate movement.

  • 840 Electronic Identification (EID) Tags
    • 15 digits, beginning with "840," with US shield
    • Must be visually and electronically readable (may or may not be RFID/radio frequency technology)
  • USDA Program tags
    • Such as orange calfhood vaccination tags, available through a veterinarian

NOTE: USDA backtags are considered official within slaughter channels only.

NOTE: Cattle breed registry tattoos are not recognized as official ID.

For additional information on official ID go to:


Records of all animal movements, including purchases, sales, leases and barter agreements must be kept for 5 years. Records must include: name and address of buyer and seller, sale date, animal ID's, breed, sex and reason for movement.

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
A CVI is required for entry into Indiana for all cattle and bison, both domestic and wild, with the following exceptions:

  • Animals traveling directly to slaughter, or directly to a licensed market for resale as direct to slaughter
  • Animals traveling directly to a licensed market that do not leave Indiana
  • Animals traveling to a facility for veterinary treatment that will return to the state-of-origin
  • Animals traveling through the state without being unloaded

The CVI must be issued by a licensed and accredited veterinarian within the 30 days immediately prior to the animal entering Indiana. With the exception of dairy steers, if an animal is required to have official ID, then the official ID number must be recorded on the CVI.

Pre-Entry Permit
A pre-entry permit is required for all animals that require a paper certificate of veterinary inspection. A pre-entry permit is not required for cattle when the CVI is submitted to BOAH electronically prior to movement. A permit must be obtained prior to transporting such animals into Indiana. Permits for cattle and bison may be obtained at any time at: or Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Eastern), with the exception of state holidays, by calling (317) 544-2400, or toll free at (877)747-3038


No animal that has tested positive for tuberculosis, brucellosis, or any other infectious or contagious disease excluded by the State Veterinarian may enter Indiana. No animal that originates from a herd that is quarantined for tuberculosis, brucellosis, or other disease concerns may enter Indiana.

The owner of the animal(s) is responsible for completing any required testing before the animal(s) enter Indiana.

Special requirements for cattle originating from MEXICO

Exhibition: Animals moving into and out of Indiana within 10 days must follow the import testing requirements listed above for the status of their state of origin. Additional dairy-specific testing is not required.

Contact BOAH at 317-544-2400 for more information.