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2021 BMV Annual Report

Letter from the Commissioner

When I reflected on 2021, the most notable accomplishments are those items that set a foundation to make a better BMV for Hoosiers. The agency invested in technology to expand available services and exceed legislative requirements set forth during the 2021 session. There is no question the past year has also included continuous challenges brought on by the COVID pandemic, particularly in staffing. Regardless of challenge, the agency continued to innovate and live up to its core values. I am proud to be the Commissioner of the BMV and am grateful to the team for continuing to provide timely, best in class service.

To this end, overall customer satisfaction had a 98% rating, an increase over the prior year and an incredible achievement as the team experienced unprecedented staffing shortage. The operations and process teams worked to streamline services without impeding quality and even introduced new programs, such as IDEL and a text message renewal notification option, as we continue to identify opportunities to better serve our customers.

This year’s report highlights some of our annual content including financials and key performance metrics, while also diving into more detail on our new initiatives, legislation, and community service. The report also outlines some major changes in our operations, particularly the number of branches we have in the state. As more Hoosiers have switched to out of branch transaction preference, the BMV has simultaneously modified its approach to services. Evidence of this behavior change is reflected in growth of the BMV Connect kiosk program. Just in 2021, this medium grew in volume of transactions by 25%.

We are continuously searching for ways to better serve Hoosiers and look forward to another year of incredible accomplishments in 2022.

Peter L. Lacy

Peter L. Lacy

Our Mission

Serve all Hoosiers by providing best-in-class driver and vehicle services in a timely and accurate manner while ensuring security and transparency.

Our Mission

Serve all Hoosiers by providing best-in-class driver and vehicle services in a timely and accurate manner while ensuring security and transparency.

Core Values

Core Value-Innovation

Challenge the status quo

Core Value-Efficiency

Constantly improve our process

Core Value-Integrity

Behave in a way that inspires

Core Value-Proactivity

Act before requested

Core Value-Accountability

Accept responsibility for our actions

Core Value-Innovation

Challenge the
status quo

Core Value-Efficiency

Constantly improve
our process

Core Value-Integrity

Behave in a way
that inspires

Core Value-Proactivity

Act before

Core Value-Accountability

Accept responsibility
for our actions

Agency Responsibilities

Minor driver's license and adult driver's license examples


Driver's licenses and state ID cards are validated and issued to individuals satisfying the required qualifications.

driver records papers


The BMV maintains confidential records for current and previous Indiana residents.

Covered Bridge standard passenger plate


Titles and registrations are issued to Hoosiers for vehicles, trailers, and watercraft.

driver safety coordinator with vehicle parking in cones


Indiana driver’s education and training providers must meet specific requirements set forth by the BMV to provide safety education to Hoosier motor vehicle operators, commercial drivers, and motorcyclists.


  • Peter Lacy
    Peter Lacy +

Fees and Taxes Collected and Distributed

  • Total revenues collected by the BMV increased $190.4 million (15.4%) in fiscal year (FY) 2021 compared to revenue collected in FY 2020. The increase can be attributed to a 12.4% increase in total transaction volume in addition to an increase in Administrative Penalty Fees and Credit Card Transaction fees in FY 2021. The increase was due to waived Administrative Penalty and Credit Card Transaction fees in the last quarter of FY 2020 during the first several months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Branch closures in the last quarter of FY2020 created a backlog of transactions that required completion in a branch. As a result, the first quarter of FY2021 saw a sharp increase in transaction volumes.
  • In FY 2021, just over 54% of the fees and taxes collected by the agency were distributed back to local city and county governments. This distribution is demonstrated in the pie chart below.

Taxes & Fees Collected and Distributed in 2021

BMV Metrics

Key Performance Metrics from 2021, including Real ID, customer satisfaction, branch experience time, and transactions, are highlighted below. All metrics are displayed as calendar year 2021.

Real ID Conversions

Real ID conversions in 2021

In 2021, the Real ID conversion rate averaged 49%. At year end, 69% of eligible Hoosiers were Real ID compliant. The Real ID deadline is now May 3, 2023.

Out of Branch Transactions

Transaction completed outside of a branch in 2021

Utilization of the myBMV transaction website and BMV Connect kiosks continues to drive growth in out of branch transactions. 43% of all transactions in 2021 were performed outside of a branch.

Branch Experience Time

2021 Branch Average Visit Time

Despite operational challenges created by unprecedented staffing shortages, the branch experience time averaged 18:45 in 2021, with 50% of transactions completed in under 15 minutes.

Customer Satisfaction YTD

Satisfied Customers in 2021

Customer satisfaction by channel in 2020

BMV Connect Kiosk Breaks Records

The BMV Connect kiosk program launched just over 5 years ago, and in 2016—the program’s first full year—the kiosks hit 98,000 transactions. Since the launch, the platform has grown to include more than a dozen transactions with 40+ locations across the state. In 2021, the BMV set an ambitious goal, dubbed ‘on our way to 800K', to hit 800,000 transactions in one year.

With the right support and some friendly competition, the agency broke more than just one record in 2021:

Daily Transactions Record
(Broke three times in 2021)
5,253 transactions

Weekly Transactions Record
(Broke eight times in 2021)
21,387 transactions

Monthly Transactions Record
86,133 transactions for September

Annual Transactions Goal
(Broke on Nov. 30)
exceeded 850,000 by year end

man holding trophy

Legislative Changes

During the 2021 legislative session, the BMV was presented with several opportunities to enhance or streamline existing services to Hoosiers. Most of the changes have an effective date in 2022 or beyond, but because the agency put forth significant effort in 2021 towards implementation, we choose to highlight them in this year’s report.

Amnesty Bill (HEA 1199-2021)

man behind a steering wheel

House Enrolled Act 1199-2021 provides multiple opportunities for Hoosiers to get back on the road. This legislation changes the ways the BMV records and applies suspension information; and how a person with suspended driving privileges can start driving again legally.

All changes went into effect on 12/31/2021.

A person MAY be eligible if their license is suspended for:

  • Failure to appear for a citation
  • Failure to pay a citation
  • Failure to provide proof of financial responsibility or not having insurance

Agency Bill (HEA 1285-2021)

motorcycle and motor drive cycle

House Enrolled Act 1285-2021 allows the BMV to remove Motor Driven Cycle classes A and B from its offering and shift to only Motor Driven Cycle or Motorcycle registrations. The act also allows BMV to outsource driving skills exam, build an expedited credential processing program to help drive better service and revenue, and provides for IDLMAB to contract with outside physicians.

Did you know? The Indiana credential in your wallet most likely reads 'Operator License'.

The BMV made a historic shift, changing the official name of its credentials to 'Driver’s License' (when referring to the credentials online, in print publications, and the physical card).

Electronic Lien & Title (SEA 400-2021)

person electronically submitting a document

Senate Enrolled Act 400 provides the agency a guide to implement an in-house e-lien and e-title (ELT) environment. The BMV spent several months researching the best execution methods. In alignment with informed recommendations that consider all stakeholders in the process—vehicle sellers and purchasers, dealers, lienholders, and BMV—the BMV is actively building the solution with a planned implementation in June 2022. Service Providers are expected to begin onboarding in mid- to late summer 2022.

Renewal Notifications Now Available Via Text Message

The BMV is continually looking for ways to meet our customers where they are. Realizing many of our customers use text messaging as their preferred form of communication, we rolled out a text message renewal reminder option in late April 2021. Previously, customers had the option to choose between US mail or email to receive registration and credential renewal reminders. Text messaging has quickly become a popular option.

The new text message reminders follow the same cadence as the email reminders with follow-up messages leading up to the expiration date based on customer action. Once a customer executes their renewal, the system automatically stops sending notices. If no action is taken, customers continue to receive reminders up to and after their expiration. This new technology was a point of emphasis at several events in 2021, including the BMV booth at the Indiana State Fair. The new service was promoted using both a QR code that prompted customers to take immediate action, as well as through promotion on social media. The materials encouraged customers to update their communication preference on the myBMV transactional website.

Much like out of branch transactions continue to grow, so does the number of Hoosiers opt for electronic reminders. More than 1M Hoosiers receive email reminders and text message already has a positive adoption rate with more than 55,000 customers enrolling since April.

man sitting on a bench using his phone

Changes to Branch Operations

2021 was a busy year for the operations team, bringing branch renovations and relocations, as well as both temporary and permanent branch closures. We recognize changes in operations impact Hoosiers and every decision made this year considered impact, cost, customer behavior, and demographics, as well as transactional analytics.

The agency unveiled a new interior design in 2021 and the Elkhart branch was the first to feature the fresh, new look. The New Albany branch also moved into a new space. These moves provided customers amenities such as BMV Connect kiosks, additional customer service and testing stations, and increased parking. Branch closures included Pendleton, Ellettsville, and Walkerton. These decisions are never easy but were made after thorough review of customer feedback and branch activity while keeping in mind the best use of state resources with continued great government service.

Finally, the BMV was not immune to the impact COVID had on businesses as September and October brought temporary branch closures due to staffing shortages. September brought eleven temporary closures while October brought eight. Staff were reassigned during this time to support surrounding locations and keep service time below a 20-minute average. The BMV partnered with the State Personnel Department in September and October to welcome an influx of new team members, leading to all branches being open in November.

people working as a team

BMV Launches Notification System for CDL Employers

Safety on the road is top priority for companies that employ commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders.  The concept of monitoring the status of CDL drivers is not new, but it did just get a lot easier in Indiana with an employer notification system (ENS).

In December 2021, the BMV launched its own ENS called Indiana Driver Employer Link (IDEL). IDEL was designed to not only promote transparency but also increase safety. Additionally, it potentially helps lower costs to companies by providing real time awareness of driver issues so companies can quickly address and correct any driver status changes that come up.

Because the data is coming directly from the BMV, companies are assured of data integrity, accuracy, and timeliness. Once a company enrolls itself and its drivers in the program, the company is notified of actions on any enrolled driver's record. An example of an action is a suspension or medical expiration. After the notification is received, the company logs into IDEL to review the driver record and can immediately plan next steps.

View the IDEL website to learn more →

IDEL an employer notification system

Supporting the Mighty Mason Fund During SECC

This year felt a little more normal with the return of many activities and events during the State Employees’ Community Campaign (SECC). Events such as the Paddle Battle, Silent Auction, and numerous spirit days are something team members look forward to each year. SECC kicked off on August 26 with an event on Robert Orr Plaza, giving each state agency the opportunity to introduce their chosen charity.

At the kickoff, BMV Commissioner Peter Lacy and BMV Chief Operating Officer Kevin Garvey announced the agency selected the Mighty Mason Fund for Palliative Care as its charity. The Mighty Mason Fund for Palliative Care is named in honor of Mason Garvey, son of Kevin Garvey, who bravely battled pediatric cancer from September 2018 to June 25, 2020. The money raised helped fund the Riley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Palliative Care program.

Through their generous donations and participation in BMV SECC events, the agency raised more than $14,000 for Mason’s fund. In addition, the collective contributions to nonprofit groups throughout Indiana by BMV employees totaled $88,528, surpassing the goal of $80,000.

Thank you to everyone who gave back to our community!

Commissioner Lacy in the dunk tank

Branch staff supporting Mighty Mason fund