The fees associated with BMV ENS Access include:
Annual ENS Monitoring Fee
All enrolled companies must pay an annual, non-refundable, ENS monitoring fee at an introductory rate of $99.00 per year. This fee is in addition to the annual account fee of $95.00 per year. This annual ENS monitoring fee will be billed annually on the anniversary date of the agreement and will not be refunded or pro-rated if the agreement is terminated or cancelled during the year for which the fee was charged.
Monthly Driver Monitoring Fee
Companies must pay a monthly driver monitoring fee of $0.12 per driver per month. This fee is in addition to the Annual ENS Monitoring Fee and the annual account fee. The monthly driver monitoring fee will be assessed at driver enrollment each and every time any driver is enrolled. The fee assessment will occur, in full, on the day of driver enrollment and will recur monthly, at the beginning of each calendar month, until the driver is unenrolled from the ENS system. This monthly driver monitoring fee will not be refunded or pro-rated if a driver is unenrolled during the month for which the fee was assessed or terminates or cancels the agreement during the month for which the monthly driver monitoring fee was assessed.
Driver License Record Search Fee
Companies pay a per Driver License Record Search Fee of $10.00 for each status change notification sent from IDEL. This fee is in addition to the Annual ENS Monitoring Fee, the annual account fee, and the Monthly Driver Monitoring Fee. This Driver License Record Search Fee will not be refunded if the company terminates or cancels the agreement prior to utilizing any available or unused Driver License Record searches.