Rulemaking & Public Hearing
When the Indiana legislature passes new laws, the language within the laws is often broad and general. The legislature may grant SBOA the authority to develop rules that detail how the agency will implement and enforce the laws. Rules may include the types of operations or facilities that must comply with the law, what is required of them, and how SBOA will monitor compliance. SBOA also develops rules when the federal government passes new regulations with which Indiana must comply.
Rulemaking Process
SBOA must follow the rulemaking process set forth in IC 4-22-2 & IC 13-14-9. The process involves opportunities for public comment and input and the opportunity for SBOA and the public to testify before the boards. The rulemaking process can take up to 1 year to complete.
If SBOA determines that a rule will not be approved within this time frame, we shall notify the publisher with: (1) reasons why the rule was not adopted and the expected date the rule will be completed; and (2) expected date the rule will be approved or deemed approved by the Governor as set forth in IC 4-22-2-25.
Rulemaking Docket
Public Notices
SBOA notifies the public about rulemaking activities via official public notices in the Indiana Register. Relevant information, public hearing dates, and agency points of contact are included in the notices.
Notice of Public Hearing for Proposed Administrative Rule for Audit Fees Under 20 IAC 3-3
Meeting Comments
- Comments can be made in person or through a virtual chat box on Microsoft Teams or VBrick.
- Comments can be made within the allotted time of the Public Hearing.
- Comments will be inspected during the Public Hearing by the Moderator, which will then be addressed by the Speaker.