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Just like life the roads can be unpredictable

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Indiana weather and road conditions can change in an instant. That’s why it’s especially important for motorcyclists to be aware of their surroundings, take note of any changes, and take action accordingly.

When out riding, make sure to keep a careful watch for changing weather conditions including rain and wind. In the case of rain, a rider’s best bet is to pull over and wait for the rain to end. When it first starts to rain, water collects in small depressions in the road and oil residue floats on top. This makes roads slippery and causes motorcycles to have less traction. If you see lightening or hear thunder, find a place to stop and pull over. Your motorcycle’s tires are not grounded, making you a moving lightning rod on a motorcycle. In addition, make sure your rain gloves and rain boots fit as poorly fitted ones make it harder to brake and shift.

Strong winds from different sides can cause a rider to shift positions and balance in order to remain in control of their motorcycle. In order to regain your balance, you might have to lean your bike a bit into the wind to maintain your position. In addition, keep your motorcycle on the side of the lane that the wind is coming from as a big gust might force you over. On a motorcycle, you must always be ready to react.

In addition, animals can pose a threat to motorcyclists. The most likely culprit are dogs as some will attempt to chase or run in front of your motorcycle. The best way to avoid a situation is to slow down, use your horn, speed up to throw off the timing of an interception, keep an eye out for multiple animals, and don’t panic. In addition, you should never kick at a dog or any other animal.

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