Physicians Licensing Information
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General Information
To be eligible for a Physician or Osteopathic Physician license, applicants must have graduated from a recognized or approved medical school by the Medical Licensing Board.
Prior to submitting an application, please refer to the following sections to verify that your medical school or training location is recognized or approved.
If you did not graduate from a recognized or approved medical school or complete an accredited postgraduate training program in the United States, you may still be eligible to submit an application for licensure. Upon submission of your application, a request a for a waiver must be received in writing. Waiver requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will require a personal appearance before the Medical Licensing Board. A personal appearance will not be scheduled until all required items listed below have been submitted.
- Approved/Disapproved Foreign Medical Schools
Indiana's Disapproved Foreign Medical Schools
- CIFAS School of Medicine, Santo Domingo (closed) as of 10/18/1984
- Universidad Mexico American Del Norte as of 11/15/1984
- (Northern University School of Medicine)
- St. Lucia Health Sciences University, St. Lucia as of 10/18/1984
- Spartan Health Sciences University, St. Lucia as of 10/18/1984
- Clayton University – Osteopathic School as of 06/01/2000
- (American International Open University)
- University of Health Sciences Antigua, St. John’s as of 12/05/2002
- Grace Medical School in St. Kitts and London Medical College as of 12/05/2002
- International University of Health Sciences (IUHS) as of 12/05/2002 (Board reaffirmed denial at their 8/23/2012 meeting partially due to distant learning (computer classes)).
- Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and Holistic Health
Sciences (Hamilton) as of 8/23/2007 - Osteopathic Health and Wellness Institute (Hamilton) as of 8/23/2007
- Canadian College of Osteopathy (Toronto) as of 8/23/07
- Sutherland Academy of Osteopathy (Oakville) as of 8/23/07
- CETEC University, Santo Domingo (closed) as of 5/22/08
- UTESA University, Santo Domingo as of 5/22/08
- World University, Santo Domingo (closed) as of 5/22/08
- Universidad Federico Henriquez y Carvajal, Dominica Republic as of 5/22/08
- Kigezi International School of Medicine, Cambridge, England & Uganda as of 5/22/08
- Universidad Eugenio Maria de Hostos (UNIREMHOS), Dominica Republic as of 5/22/08
Internet Programs: All schools of medicine whose curriculum and primary requirements are internet based and/or distance learning shall be disapproved. Most specifically, the internet based schools of medicine listed on the Federation Alert are hereby disapproved by the board.
Indiana's Approved Foreign Medical Schools
- American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine as of 12/20/1984
- American University of Antigua (Antigua campus only and students who matriculated on or after January 1, 2007)
- Ross University of Medicine as of 12/20/1984
- St. George’s University School of Medicine as of 12/20/1984
- Saba, Netherlands Antilles (coursework from 1/1/02 to present)
- Trinity School of Medicine, approved 5/25/2017
- St. Matthews University, Grand Cayman as of 4/25/2024
Those schools that are neither approved by Indiana or California (and not on the disapproved list) are reviewed on a case by case basis. Applicants may be required to make a personal appearance before the Board if their school is disapproved or unapproved. On May 22, 2008 the Board recognized the California Medical School Standards as equivalent to LCME standards as required for approved foreign medical schools in Indiana.
Because the California standards meet LCME equivalency the Board then adopted the California Medical Board's Recognized and Disapproved lists for use when processing applications. Below you will find a link to both the California Recognized list and Disapproved List.
- Resources for Other Approved Programs
- Waiver Requirements
- Letters of recommendation from programs, employers, and/or mentors (Required)
- Committed to 3 years or more of service in an underserved area (Required)
- Your employer must appear with you and show that the area in which you will be serving is an underserved area (Required)
- The employer must show their need for your skill set for your specialty as a physician (Required)
- Employer must agree to submit a yearly report to the Board that said physician is satisfying their employment contract and is still serving in an underserved area (Required)
- Physician must report to the Board immediately upon termination from the employment contract in which the waiver was based upon. You must appear before the Board with a new plan and employer that is serving in an underserved area (Required)
- Evidence of Professorship in a Medical Program at a College/University (Recommended)
- Board eligible or have already passed board specialties and proof of passing (Recommended)
All documentation provided to the board will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. License will be null/voided if said physician fails to complete any items presented and approved as evidence for the waiver request. If items are not completed, the waiver will be voided and therefore voiding the license
Application Instructions
- Physician or Osteopathic Physician Licensure via Application
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $250.00 - Pay by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Temporary Permit - Submit additional $100 fee (nonrefundable) and proof of licensure in another state. A ninety (90) day temporary permit may be issued to an applicant who holds a valid license to practice medicine in the U.S. or Canada. The permit will expire the earlier of 90 days or when a license is issued.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Official Examination Scores - Official examination history reports must be requested from the appropriate examination agency. Each examination agency must submit an original, official examination history report directly to the Board. Official examination history reports may be requested from the following websites:
- NBME –
- The Board will also accept examination score reports submitted within a FCVS package.
- Copy of Medical School Diploma - A copy of your medical school diploma is required. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- If the original diploma is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- If the diploma has been lost or destroyed, the applicant shall submit a statement under the signature and seal of the dean from the medical school the applicant graduated from, stating the applicant has satisfactorily completed the prescribed course of study, the actual degree conferred, and the date of graduation.
- Additionally, the applicant shall submit a statement explaining the circumstances as to why the diploma is lost or destroyed.
- Official Medical School Transcript - An original official medical school transcript. The transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- If an original transcript is not available, the applicant must submit:
- A copy of the original transcript, which must include the degree conferred and the date the degree was conferred, and
- A statement explaining why an original transcript is not available.
- Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- If an original transcript is not available, the applicant must submit:
- Documentation of Postgraduate Training - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Includes start and end dates
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - License verification is required from each state or Canadian province in which you hold or have held a health care related license. The official license verification must be sent directly from the licensing authority to the Board at
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable) - If you are an international medical graduate, you must submit a copy of your ECFMG certificate. If your ECFMG certificate has an expiration date, you must request a permanent validation sticker from ECFMG.
- National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Report - If you are submitting a FCVS package, FCVS will include a NPDB report. Contact NPDB directly and request a report -
- There are 3 ways to submit a NPDB report.
- If you request NPDB to email a report, an email will be sent to you with a link to the report. For the most efficient service, download the file and upload to your account.
- If you request NPDB to email a report, an email will be sent to you with a link to the report. Download the file and upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- If you request NPDB to mail a report, the report will be sent directly to you. Do NOT open the report. Instead, forward the report to the Board in an unopened envelope.
- There are 3 ways to submit a NPDB report.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Please go to the Additional Information section for FAQs.
- Physician or Osteopathic Physician Licensure via Reciprocity
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $250.00 - Pay by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - Current license verification is required. The official license verification must be sent directly from the licensing authority to the Board at If licensee holds more than one license, all license verifications are required to be submitted by licensee's first renewal.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Please go to the Additional Information section for FAQs.
- Controlled Substance Registration
Indiana Practice Location: Applicants MUST use an Indiana practice address when applying for a CSR. A CSR will only be issued to a street address; post office boxes are not acceptable. An application with an incomplete or out of state address will be rejected.
Detailed information and application instructions can be found at
- Postgraduate Training Permit
The Postgraduate Training Permit is available to medical postgraduate students seeking postgraduate training in a medical institution or hospital located in Indiana through a postgraduate training program that is ACGME or AOA accredited, and who meet the requirements below. For non-ACGME or AOA programs please email the Board at for further direction. The Postgraduate Training Permit is for all postgraduate training, including internships, transitional programs, residencies and fellowships.
A Postgraduate Training Permit is required for each postgraduate medical education or training program that the applicant is employed, assigned, or enrolled in. If training will occur at more than one facility, the applicant must submit information identifying those facilities in which training will occur. A permit is not needed for each training location. If an applicant changes programs, a new Postgraduate Training Permit must be obtained.
Foreign graduates who do not have an ECFMG certificate that are seeking postgraduate training in Indiana should apply for the Non-ECFMG Permit.
To be eligible for a Postgraduate Training Permit, applicants must have received all of their medical school education from and graduated from a medical school recognized or approved by the Medical Licensing Board. Additionally, your training program must be recognized or approved by the Board. Prior to submitting an application, please refer to the General Information section for specifics.
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $100.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Proof of Graduation from an Approved Medical School - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- A copy of the original transcript, which must include the degree conferred and the date the degree was conferred, and
- A statement explaining why an original official transcript is not available.
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- Diploma: A copy of your diploma. If the diploma is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- Hospital/Institution Certification - The hospital and/or institution must complete this form and you may upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option. (State Form 57690)
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - License verification is required from each state or Canadian province in which you hold or have held a health care related license. The official license verification must be sent directly from the licensing authority to the Board at
- Positive Response Documentation (if applicable) - Provide a personal statement explaining any positive response to any question on the application, and include any supporting documentation. For detailed documentation information needed, please review the Information Regarding Positive Responses on Applications section in the Additional Information block. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable) - If you are an international medical graduate, you must submit a copy of your ECFMG certificate. If your ECFMG certificate has an expiration date, you must request a permanent validation sticker from ECFMG. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Please go to the Additional Information section for FAQs on Post Graduate Training Permits.
- Teaching Permit
The Teaching Permit is available to practitioners who are actively practicing outside of Indiana or the United States, but not licensed in Indiana, and who will teach medicine at a medical educational institution in Indiana.
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $100.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Institution Certification: The third page of the form must be completed and signed by the Department chair. Include the term of the teaching appointment and medical subjects to be taught. If additional space is needed, the medical school can provide this information. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Proof of Graduation from an Approved Medical School - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- A copy of the original transcript, which must include the degree conferred and the date the degree was conferred, and
- A statement explaining why an original official transcript is not available.
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- Diploma: A copy of your diploma. If the diploma is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- Reference Letters - Submit at least 2 letters of reference documenting your character and ability to practice and/or teach medicine. The letters should be original, signed, and dated within the previous 6 months. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - License verification is required from each state or Canadian province in which you hold or have held a health care related license. The official license verification must be sent directly from the licensing authority to the Board at
- Positive Response Documentation (if applicable) - Provide a personal statement explaining any positive response to any question on the application, and include any supporting documentation. For detailed documentation information needed, please review the Information Regarding Positive Responses on Applications section in the Additional Information block. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable) - If you are an international medical graduate, you must submit a copy of your ECFMG certificate. If your ECFMG certificate has an expiration date, you must request a permanent validation sticker from ECFMG. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Please go to the Additional Information section for FAQs on Teaching Permits.
- Non-ECFMG Training Permit
The Non-ECFMG Permit is available to foreign medical postgraduate students, who do not have an ECFMG certificate, seeking postgraduate training in a medical institution or hospital located in Indiana through a postgraduate training program that is ACGME or AOA accredited outside of Indiana, and who meet the requirements below. For non-ACGME or AOA programs please email the Board at for further direction. The Non-ECFMG Permit is for all postgraduate training, including internships, transitional programs, residencies and fellowships.
A Non-ECFMG Permit is required for each postgraduate medical education or training program that the applicant is employed, assigned, or enrolled in. If training will occur at more than one facility, the applicant must submit information identifying those facilities in which training will occur. A permit is not needed for each training location. If an applicant changes programs, a new Non-ECFMG Permit must be obtained.
Foreign graduates who DO have an ECFMG certificate that are seeking postgraduate training in Indiana should apply for the Postgraduate Training Permit.
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $100.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Proof of Graduation from an Approved Medical School - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- A copy of the original transcript, which must include the degree conferred and the date the degree was conferred, and
- A statement explaining why an original official transcript is not available.
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- Diploma: A copy of your diploma. If the diploma is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- Hospital/Institution Certification: The hospital and/or institution must complete PAGE 3 of this form and you may upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option. (State Form 57691)
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - License verification is required from each state or Canadian province in which you hold or have held a health care related license. The official license verification must be sent directly from the licensing authority to the Board at
- Reference Letters - Submit at least 2 letters of reference documenting your character and ability to practice and/or teach medicine. The letters should be original, signed, and dated within the previous 6 months. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Positive Response Documentation (if applicable) - Provide a personal statement explaining any positive response to any question on the application, and include any supporting documentation. For detailed documentation information needed, please review the Information Regarding Positive Responses on Applications section in the Additional Information block. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable) - If you are an international medical graduate, you must submit a copy of your ECFMG certificate. If your ECFMG certificate has an expiration date, you must request a permanent validation sticker from ECFMG. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Please go to the Additional Information section for FAQs on Non-ECFMG Training Permits.
- Non-Renewable Limited Scope Temporary Medical Permit
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $100.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Proof of Graduation from an Approved Medical School - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- A copy of the original transcript, which must include the degree conferred and the date the degree was conferred, and
- A statement explaining why an original official transcript is not available.
- If an original official transcript is not available, the applicant must submit the following:
- Diploma: A copy of your diploma. If the diploma is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation.
- Official Transcript: An official medical school transcript must show the degree conferred and date the degree was conferred. A transcript is required from each medical school attended. If the original transcript is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. If unable to upload at the time of application or using the License Update option in your online account, you may have the transcripts sent to
- Proof of Current License - Provide proof of current licensure in another state. A copy of your current license (billfold license or pocketcard) which shows your license
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
- Attestation for the Administration of Anesthesia in a Dental Office
- Pursuant to Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9, as enacted by SEA 273-2023, the following licensed practitioners may administer moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia to a patient in a dental office if the standards described in Indiana § 25-22.5-2-9(c) are met:
- An anesthesiologist licensed under Indiana Code § 25-22.5.
- A certified registered nurse anesthetist (as defined in Indiana Code § 25-23-1-1.4) under the direction of and in the immediate presence of a physician.
- An anesthesiologist assistant practicing in compliance with Indiana Code § 25-3.7-2-4.
- Pursuant to Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9(c), an anesthesiologist administering anesthesia or a physician directing or supervising the administration of anesthesia in a dental office is required to do the following:
- Ensure that the provision of sedation and/or anesthesia services in the dental office meets all standards of the Indiana Medical Licensing Board's administrative rules adopted under 844 IAC 5-5, concerning: (A) procedures performed in office based settings; (B) the operation of office-based settings; and (C) requirements for practitioners administering anesthesia in office-based settings.
- Once every two (2) years, submit the following to the board in writing: (A) The address of the dental office. (B) An attestation that the standards required under Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9 have been met.
- The attestation required under Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9(c) may lawfully be completed and submitted to the Indiana Medical Licensing Board and the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency by completing the web form provided below. A physician group practice may complete and submit the attestation web form on behalf of the physicians in the group practice.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Users are not required to create or sign in to an Access Indiana account to complete this web form, provided the user completes the web form in one session. If a user wishes to save his, her, or their progress and return to complete the web form at a later time, the user will be required to create or sign in to an Access Indiana account.
Attestation for the Administration of Anesthesia in a Dental Office Web Form
- Pursuant to Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9, as enacted by SEA 273-2023, the following licensed practitioners may administer moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia to a patient in a dental office if the standards described in Indiana § 25-22.5-2-9(c) are met:
Renewal Instructions
- License Renewal Information
- Postgraduate Training Permits/Non-ECFMG Training Permit and Volunteer Healthcare Location renewals have migrated to the MyLicense One platform.
- All other licenses under the Medical Board licenses will use: Renew Online!
Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. License holders with valid e-mail addresses on file will be e-mailed the renewal notice. Those who do not have valid e-mail addresses on file will be mailed the license renewal notice; this notice is mailed to the address of record with the Board. The Board has no way of knowing whether or not a notice reaches its destination; therefore, when a notice has been e-mailed to a valid e-mail address or mailed, the duty of the Board has been performed.
If you have a positive response to any of the renewal questions, you must submit a written positive response statement via the online renewal process, after submitting a renewal via the License Update feature in your account. Your license cannot be renewed until this information is received and, upon further review, additional information may be requested by the Board.
- License Reinstatement Information
Expired Three (3) Years or more
If your license has been expired for three or more years, you must reinstate your license to practice. Please submit your reinstatement online with the additional documentation:
- Payment of the current renewal fee and current initial application fee (See the Fee Schedule)
- Documentation to Upload:
- For Physicians/Osteopathic Physicians:
- You will need to include work history from the time your Indiana license expired to current.
- Official verifications from all States in which you have ever held a license, certificate, permit or registration
- NPDB/HIPDB report – contact info: P O Box 10832 Chantilly, VA 20153-0832 website:
- For CSRs: Completion of continuing education for the time period the license has been expired. The licensee will be required to provide copies of their continuing education certificates.
- For Physicians/Osteopathic Physicians:
- Renewal Documents
The Professional Licensing Agency is beginning a paperless initiative and paper renewal forms are no longer available. Please use the above links to renew and/or reinstate your license(s).
- Inactive to Active Status Change Requests
If you are currently inactive with an updated expiration date (10/31/2023) and wish to change your status to active, please complete the MD/DO Activation form below. If you are Inactive with a 2021 expiration date, please complete the renewal form above. In addition to the form and renewal fee you should submit your work history since being on inactive status and verification of licensure in another state, if applicable. The board may impose additional requirements once your information has been received. A personal appearance before the board may be required if your license has been inactive for 3 or more years.
- Changing Status to Inactive
If your license is active (with an expiration date of October 31, 2023) and wish to change your status to inactive, please send an email requesting the change of status to If you want to renew your license into inactive status, you may either renew online at or mail in the completed MD/DO Renewal form above with the appropriate renewal fee.
Physicians on an inactive status may not maintain an office or practice, and if the physician does render a service that constitutes the practice of medicine, the physician may not charge a fee for such service.
- Changing Status to Retired
If you wish to change your license status to retired, please send an email requesting the change of status to All retirement requests are approved by the Medical Licensing Board at their monthly meetings. Physicians on retired status may not practice medicine.
Fee Schedule
- Medical Applications/Renewals
Medical Application/Renewal Fee Penalty Total Initial Application $250 NA $250 Active Renewal - Prior to October 31 of odd-numbered years $200 $50 $250 Inactive Renewal - Prior to October 31 of odd-numbered years $100 $50 $150 Reinstatement - Expired over three years $450 NA $450 Inactive to Active License (M.D./D.O.) $100 NA $100 Temporary License (M.D./D.O.) $100 NA $100 Limited Scope Permit $100 NA $100 Postgraduate Training Permit $100 NA $100 Postgraduate Training Permit Renewal - June 30 of every year $50 $50 $100
Additional Information
- Information Regarding Positive Responses on Applications
In addition to a statement regarding your positive response, please provide the following documentation. This list is not all inclusive and additional information may be requested.
Paper Question # Online Question # Regarding Then provide: 1 1 regarding disciplinary action A copy of all disciplinary complaints, orders and settlements/consent decrees. 2 2 regarding denial or surrender of any license A copy of any denial letters, notices, or orders 3 3 regarding conditions or impairment affecting competency to practice - Any addictionology, psychiatric, fitness-for-duty, or clinical assessments or examination reports.
- If presently, or previously, enrolled in a physicians health program, a statement from the PHP regarding your compliance.
4 4 regarding investigations If available, a statement from the regulatory body describing the nature and status of the investigation. 5 5 regarding arrests/convictions - A copy of any relevant court documents, which includes charging information, indictments, probable cause affidavits, police reports, plea agreements, judgment and sentencing records.
- For each arrest/conviction, include the offense you were charged with; the name of the court; the cause number; and, the penalty imposed.
6 6 regarding staff membership or privileges A statement from the institution where your privileges or membership was disciplined describing the reasons for such discipline. 7 7 regarding employment issues A statement from the institution or facility. 8 8 regarding malpractice actions A copy of the malpractice settlement or judgment, along with a brief explanation of the case. 9 9 regarding DEA A copy of your DEA surrender form, and DEA investigation report, if available. 10 12 regarding employment issues A statement from the institution or facility. 11 10 regarding Medicaid/Medicare exclusion A copy of the Medicaid/Medicare exclusion letter. If reinstated, a copy of the reinstatement letter. 12 11 regarding training A statement from the institution or training program. - FAQs about General Applications
How Long Does it Take to Get a License?
- Question - What are the time frames for getting licensed?
- Answer - To be considered an applicant, you must submit both the application and the application fee. All application forms and supporting materials are stamped with the date they are received in the office.
- Once an application and the application fee have been received, staff must complete the initial review. Please allow four to six weeks from receipt of documentation for this review. The applicant is then notified by email of the application status and given an itemized list of documents needed to complete the file. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that any missing documents are sent to the Board. These subsequent documents also will be reviewed in order of receipt. The length of time it takes to obtain a license is related to how long it takes for all required documents to be received by the Board. Once an application is complete, reviewed and approved, a license will be issued promptly.
- Answer - To be considered an applicant, you must submit both the application and the application fee. All application forms and supporting materials are stamped with the date they are received in the office.
- Question - Can I pay an extra fee to have my application expedited?
- Answer - The Board reviews applications in the order in which they are received. You cannot pay a fee to expedite the review of your application. When deciding when to apply, please allow sufficient time for all your documents to be received and reviewed by the Board, particularly if you have a deadline for licensure. If you have a deadline for licensure, it is best to apply at least 120 days in advance.
- Question - How will I know if there are missing documents or other issues with my application?
- Answer - We cannot confirm receipt of documentation. You will be notified by email if there are any missing documents or issues with your application once the application is reviewed. The fastest way to check the status of your application is by logging into your account at
- Question - How long do I have to complete the application process?
- Answer - You have one year from the date the application was received by the Board to complete your application. Applications incomplete after 1 year are considered "abandoned" and may be destroyed. If you wish to keep your application open, please notify the Board. The Board may grant extensions of up to 30 days at a time. The Board may abandon an application if the applicant fails to show progress towards licensure.
- If your previous application was abandoned, any subsequent application will be treated as a new application and you will be required to meet all licensure requirements in effect at the time of the subsequent application. You must also resubmit all required documents (including a new criminal background check) and pay the application fee.
- Answer - You have one year from the date the application was received by the Board to complete your application. Applications incomplete after 1 year are considered "abandoned" and may be destroyed. If you wish to keep your application open, please notify the Board. The Board may grant extensions of up to 30 days at a time. The Board may abandon an application if the applicant fails to show progress towards licensure.
Questions Regarding Criminal Convictions
- Question - Must I disclose all criminal convictions, even minor offenses in college?
- Answer - You must disclose the following, except for traffic violations resulting in fines, and arrests or convictions that have been expunged. NOTE - An arrest or conviction is expunged only if there is an Order of Expungement issued by a court. Orders to seal records do not necessarily mean an arrest or conviction has been expunged. If in doubt, seek the assistance of private counsel.
- All arrests (even if no conviction results)
- All prosecutorial diversion or deferment agreements
- All convictions (including misdemeanors)
- All guilty pleas (including misdemeanors)
- All nolo contendre pleas (including misdemeanors)
- Answer - You must disclose the following, except for traffic violations resulting in fines, and arrests or convictions that have been expunged. NOTE - An arrest or conviction is expunged only if there is an Order of Expungement issued by a court. Orders to seal records do not necessarily mean an arrest or conviction has been expunged. If in doubt, seek the assistance of private counsel.
- Question - What happens if I fail to disclose information on a criminal conviction?
- Answer - As an applicant, you are personally responsible for all information disclosed on your application. An application may be denied based upon omission, falsification or misrepresentation of any item or response on the application or supporting documentation.
- Question - What additional information should I provide if I have an arrest and/or conviction?
- Answer - You must submit a statement, completed by yourself, describing the nature of the offense for which you were arrested or convicted. You will also need to provide a copy of all court documents pertaining to the arrest or conviction, including any statement of charges, probable cause affidavits, police reports, judgment and sentencing information.
- Question - How might a criminal conviction affect my application for licensure?
- Answer - The Board frequently receives questions about criminal convictions and how they could affect an application for licensure.
- The Board is unable to provide legal advice to applicants. Every situation is unique and is addressed on an individual basis. The Board reviews each conviction based not only on the conviction itself, but also the underlying issues that led to the conviction.
- A conviction that does not, at first glance, appear to be substantially related to the qualifications, functions or duties of a physician, may, under closer scrutiny, be revealed otherwise (ex. reckless driving, DUIs and sex crimes). All information related to an applicant's criminal history is considered. The specific conviction; when it occurred; the circumstances surrounding the conviction; the number of convictions; compliance with the court's terms and conditions; and rehabilitation are all factors considered.
- The Board has three options relative to licensure: issue a license; deny a license; or issue a probationary license.
- Answer - The Board frequently receives questions about criminal convictions and how they could affect an application for licensure.
Questions Regarding Recognized Medical Schools
- Question - How do I find out if my medical school is approved or recognized by the Board?
- Answer - You may review the General Information section to determine whether your school is on the Board's approved list. U.S. and Canadian schools that are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) or American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Professional Education are recognized by the Board.
- Question - What if my medical school is not approved by the Board?
- Answer - If you did not attend or graduate from a recognized or approved medical school or postgraduate training program, you may still an submit an application for licensure and request a waiver in writing. Waiver requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and may require a personal appearance before the Medical Licensing Board. In determining whether to grant a waiver, the Medical Licensing Board will consider an applicant's training, experience, and credentials.
- Question - I attended more than one medical school; do I need to document all of the institutions I attended on the application?
- Answer - Yes. You must document all institutions you attended. Copies of medical school transcripts must be received from each institution you attended.
- Question - Can I provide a certified or notarized copy of my transcripts or diploma?
- Answer - You cannot provide a certified or notarized copy of your transcripts. Transcripts must be sent directly to the Board from the institution. You may provide a copy of your diploma.
Questions about Translations of Documents
- Question - Do I have to have my transcripts and diplomas translated if they aren't in English?
- Answer - Transcripts, diplomas and any other academic documents prepared in a language other than English will need to be accompanied by a certified English translation.
- Question - What are the time frames for getting licensed?
- FAQs about Licensure
General Questions about Licensure
- Question - How much training must I complete before I am eligible for licensure?
- Answer - U.S./Canadian graduates must complete 12 months of approved postgraduate training in the U.S. or Canada. An International Medical Graduate must complete 24 months of approved postgraduate training in the U.S. or Canada.
- Question - Should I report incomplete postgraduate training on the application?
- Answer - Yes. You are required to document all postgraduate training (internship, residency, fellowship) on the application, whether or not the program was completed or credit was granted. You must have each postgraduate training program verify your dates of training for each program.
- Question - When should I apply for licensure?
- Answer - Since a U.S./Canadian medical school graduate is not eligible for licensure until one year of training has been completed, you should not submit your application until after six months of training have been completed.
- Further, documentation relating to your application can be submitted at any time; you do not need to wait until your application has been submitted. The Board will retain documents for 6 months.
- Answer - Since a U.S./Canadian medical school graduate is not eligible for licensure until one year of training has been completed, you should not submit your application until after six months of training have been completed.
- Question - Should I take Step 3 before I apply for licensure?
- Answer - You are not required to take and pass the USMLE Step 3/COMLEX Step 3 before you apply; however, a license will not be issued to any applicant until they have passed all three steps. In Indiana, you must pass all three steps of the USMLE within 10 years, with a maximum attempt of three times per step. For osteopathic physicians, all three steps must be passed within 7 years, with a maximum attempt of fives times per step.
- Applicants who fail to pass all the steps within the required timeframe or within the maximum number of attempts may stil apply for licensure and request a waiver. Waiver requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and may require a personal appearance before the Medical Licensing Board. In determining whether to grant a waiver, the Medical Licensing Board will consider an applicant's training, experience, and credentials. Additional conditions, such as agreeing to work in an underserved area, may be required if a waiver is granted.
- Answer - You are not required to take and pass the USMLE Step 3/COMLEX Step 3 before you apply; however, a license will not be issued to any applicant until they have passed all three steps. In Indiana, you must pass all three steps of the USMLE within 10 years, with a maximum attempt of three times per step. For osteopathic physicians, all three steps must be passed within 7 years, with a maximum attempt of fives times per step.
- Question - How long is my license valid?
- Answer - Upon issuance of your license, your license will remain valid through October 31 of each odd year.
- Question - What if I move or change my name after I have submitted my application?
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Marriage Certificate
- Dissolution of marriage (divorce)
- Certified Court Order
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- Question - Will you discard or destroy and documentation received prior to my application?
- Answer - Any documents received prior to your application will be maintained for one year. If you do not submit your application and fees in that time frame, your application will be considered abandoned, and the documents will be destroyed.
- Question - Can I use FSMB's FCVS Services Package to fulfill full license requirements?
- Answer - Yes. FCVS is another service offered by FSMB. Indiana does not require you to use FCVS, nor do we endorse it, however it can be a useful tool to physicians. FCVS establishes a permanent, lifetime repository of primary-source verified core credentials. They maintain a record of everything from medical diplomas to passports – so physicians don’t have to go through the time and effort of assembling and forwarding the information every time they need a state license or credentials. The core credentials information collected and stored by FCVS includes:
- Physician identity
- Medical education records
- Post Graduate training records
- Examination history
- Disciplinary history
Tips for using FCVS: Building a credentials portfolio can be a time-consuming process. It involves contacting multiple sources to ensure the information about you that we are archiving is accurate. Please visit for tips on how you can help make your application experience go as smoothly as possible.
- Answer - Yes. FCVS is another service offered by FSMB. Indiana does not require you to use FCVS, nor do we endorse it, however it can be a useful tool to physicians. FCVS establishes a permanent, lifetime repository of primary-source verified core credentials. They maintain a record of everything from medical diplomas to passports – so physicians don’t have to go through the time and effort of assembling and forwarding the information every time they need a state license or credentials. The core credentials information collected and stored by FCVS includes:
Information Regarding Reciprocity
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- that state's or jurisdiction's requirements for a license are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirements for a license of the Board; or
- when the person was licensed or certified by another state:
- there were minimum education requirements in the other state or jurisdiction;
- if there were applicable work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect, the person met those requirements to be licensed in that state; and
- if required by the other state or jurisdiction, the person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification.
- Has not committed any act in any state or jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate, registration, or permit to practice that occupation in Indiana at the time the act was committed.
- Does not have a complaint or an investigation pending before the regulating agency in another state or jurisdiction that relates to unprofessional conduct.
- Is in good standing and has not been disciplined by the agency that has authority to issue the license or certification.
- If a law regulating the applicant's occupation requires the board to administer an examination on the relevant laws of Indiana, the Board may require the applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of Indiana.
- Pays any fees required by the Board for which the applicant is seeking licensure.
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
Questions Regarding Examinations
- Question - Are there any other exams besides the USMLE/COMLEX that are acceptable for licensure?
- Answer - All applicants for licensure by examination must pass all three steps of either the USMLE or COMLEX. Applicants for licensure by endorsement must have passed all steps of one of the following examinations: USMLE, COMLEX, FLEX, NBME, NBOME, or state examination that was equivalent to Indiana's state examination prior to the use of the USMLE/COMLEX.
- Question - How are my examination scores verified?
- Answer - The Board must receive verification of your exam scores directly from the appropriate organization.
- Although the Board does not require you to submit a FCVS package, if you choose to do so, the provided score report may be used.
- Answer - The Board must receive verification of your exam scores directly from the appropriate organization.
- Question - Do I need to document all of my attempts at the written licensing examination?
- Answer - Yes. You must document each attempt for each written licensing examination on your application.
- In Indiana, you must pass all three steps of the USMLE within 10 years, with a maximum attempt of three times per step. For osteopathic physicians, all three steps must be passed within 7 years, with a maximum attempt of fives times per step.
- Applicants who fail to pass all the steps within the required timeframe or within the maximum number of attempts may stil apply for licensure and request a waiver. Waiver requirements are listed above. Waiver requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and may require a personal appearance before the Medical Licensing Board. In determining whether to grant a waiver, the Medical Licensing Board will consider an applicant's training, experience, and credentials. Additional conditions, such as agreeing to work in an underserved area, may be required if a waiver is granted.
- Answer - Yes. You must document each attempt for each written licensing examination on your application.
- Question - How much training must I complete before I am eligible for licensure?
- FAQs about Postgraduate Training Permits
- Question - Who should apply for a postgraduate training permit?
- Answer - The postgraduate training permit is a one-year permit provided to physicians/osteopathic physicians who have graduated from an approved medical school and will be receiving postgraduate training in an approved program. Individuals holding a full, unrestricted license to practice in medicine, who are doing postgraduate training, do not need to apply for a postgraduate training permit.
- International medical graduates who do not hold an ECFMG certificate and will be doing a rotation at a training site in Indiana need to apply for the Non-ECFMG training permit (formerly fellowship permit).
- Answer - The postgraduate training permit is a one-year permit provided to physicians/osteopathic physicians who have graduated from an approved medical school and will be receiving postgraduate training in an approved program. Individuals holding a full, unrestricted license to practice in medicine, who are doing postgraduate training, do not need to apply for a postgraduate training permit.
- Question - Do I need a license for each training site I'll be rotating at?
- Answer - No. You only need one permit for each postgraduate training program you are participating in. However, you do need to provide a list of all training sites. If you will be participating in more than one postgraduate training program, you will need to obtain a separate permit for each program.
- Question - Can I moonlight on a postgraduate training permit?
- Answer - No. You may only practice medicine in the program for which you have a permit.
- Question - What are the costs related to licensure?
- Answer - The fee for the application is $100. All fees should be paid my cash, check or money order and submitted with your application. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. We do not accept credit card payments.
- Question - When should I apply for licensure?
- Answer - Since most postgraduate training programs begin July 1, we recommend that you apply at least 60-90 days prior to ensure receipt of all documents. We can only issue licenses prior to the start of a postgraduate training program if all required documentation has been received before July 1.
- Question - What steps of the licensing exam do I have to pass first?
- Answer - It is not a requirement that you pass any steps of the USMLE/COMLEX prior to receiving a postgraduate training permit. However, if you have passed Steps 1 and 2, but failed Step 3, your permit may be renewed or reissued at the discretion of the Board. If it has been 7 or more years since you first took a step of the USMLE/COMLEX, you are not eligible for a postgraduate training permit.
- Question - How long is my license valid?
- Answer - Upon issuance of your license, your license will remain valid through June 30. The permit may be renewed in one year increments, provided all eligibility requirements continue to be met.
- Question - What if I move or change my name after I have submitted my application?
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if your any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Marriage Certificate
- Dissolution of marriage (divorce)
- Certified Court Order
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if your any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- Question - Will you discard or destroy and documentation received prior to my application?
- Answer - Any documents received prior to your application will be maintained for six months. If you do not submit your application and fees in that time frame, the documents will be destroyed.
- Question - Who should apply for a postgraduate training permit?
- FAQs about Teaching Permits
- Question - Who should apply for a teaching permit?
- Answer - A medical educational institution located in Indiana may apply for a teaching permit for a practitioner who is not licensed in Indiana, but is actively practicing medicine outside of Indiana or the United States, for the purpose of teaching in the institution. This permit authorizes a practitioner to practice in the institution only and, in the course of teaching, to practice those medical acts which are usually and customarily perfomred by a physician teaching in a medical institution.
- Question - What are the costs related to licensure?
- Answer - The fee for the application is $100. All fees should be paid my cash, check or money order and submitted with your application. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. We do not accept credit card payments.
- Question - How long is my license valid?
- Answer - Upon issuance of your license, your license will remain valid through June 30. The permit may be renewed in one year increments, provided all eligiblity requirements continue to be met.
- Question - What if I move or change my name after I have submitted my application?
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if your any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Marriage Certificate
- Dissolution of marriage (divorce)
- Certified Court Order
- If you change your name after you have submitted an application, or if your any documents you submit for your application have a different last name than your current last name, you must submit one of the following legal documents as proof of the name change:
- Answer - If you move, or have a change of contact information (ex. phone, email), you may update your account at
- Question - Will you discard or destroy and documentation received prior to my application?
- Answer - Any documents received prior to your application will be maintained for six months. If you do not submit your application and fees in that time frame, the documents will be destroyed.
- Question - Who should apply for a teaching permit?
- FAQs about Non-ECFMG Training Permit
General Questions about Licensure
- Question - Do I need a license for each training site I'll be rotating at?
- Answer - No. You only need one permit for each postgraduate training program you are participating in. However, you do need to provide a list of all training sites. If you will be participating in more than one postgraduate training program, you will need to obtain a separate permit for each program.
- Question - Can I moonlight on a postgraduate training permit?
- Answer - No. You may only practice medicine in the program for which you have a permit.
- Question - What are the costs related to licensure?
- Answer - The fee for the application is $100. All fees should be paid my cash, check or money order and submitted with your application. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. We do not accept credit card payments.
- Question - When should I apply for licensure?
- Answer - Since most postgraduate training programs begin July 1, we recommend that you apply at least 120 days prior to ensure receipt of all documents. We can only issue licenses prior to the start of a postgraduate training program if all required documentation has been received before July 1.
- Question - What steps of the licensing exam do I have to pass first?
- Answer - It is not a requirement to take any step of the USMLE.
- Question - How long is my license valid?
- Answer - Upon issuance of your license, your license will remain valid through June 30. The permit may be renewed in one year increments, provided all eligibility requirements continue to be met.
- Question - Will you discard or destroy and documentation received prior to my application?
- Answer - Any documents received prior to your application will be maintained for one year. If you do not submit your application and fees in that time frame, the documents will be destroyed.
- Question - Do I need a license for each training site I'll be rotating at?
- Helpful Links
- Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
- Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)
- Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB)
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS)
- American Osteopathic Association (AOA)