Home Inspectors Resources
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Additional Resources for Home Inspectors
- Statutes & Rules
Indiana Statutes
Title 25 Article 1 - Professions and Occupations
Title 25 Article 20.2 - Home Inspectors
Indiana Administrative Rules
- Approved Education Providers
Board Approved Pre-License Education Providers and Continuing Education Providers may be found using the Free Search and Verify page.
- Continuing Education Requirements
A licensed home inspector is required to complete 32 hours of continuing education for each renewal cycle that is 24 months or more.
A licensed home inspector who has had their license for less that 24 months but more than 12 months is required to complete 16 hours of continuing education.
A licensed home inspector who has had their license for less than 12 months is not required to complete any continuing education for this cycle.
Rule 5. Continuing Education
878 IAC 1-5-1 Continuing education requirements
Authority: IC 25-20.2-3-8
Affected: IC 25-20.2
- Sec. 1. (a) A licensee who renews a license as a home inspector shall complete not less than thirty-two (32) continuing education hours in each renewal period.
- (b) Continuing education hours shall be obtained within the biennial renewal period in which the licensee is applying and shall not be carried over from one (1) biennial renewal period to another.
- (c) A holder of a license issued under IC 25-20.2 must retain a record of the continuing education required by subsection (b) for two (2) years following the end of the biennial renewal period for which it was obtained.
- (d) Continuing education completed to satisfy the continuing education requirements of another state with which a reciprocal agreement exists, in which the licensee also holds a license as a home inspector, may be applied towards the continuing education requirement of this rule for renewal of a license issued under IC 25-20.2.
- (e) A holder of a license issued under IC 25-20.2 who has been licensed for less than two (2) full years before the first renewal date for that license shall meet the following continuing education requirements for the licensee’s first renewal period:
- (1) A licensee who has been licensed for at least twelve (12) months, but less than twenty-four (24) months, shall complete sixteen (16) hours of continuing education for renewal of that initial license.
- (2) A licensee who has been licensed for less than twelve (12) months shall be exempt from the continuing education hours required for renewal of that initial license.
- Home Inspectors Licensing Board; 878 IAC 1-5-1; filed Apr 18, 2005.
878 IAC 1-5-2 Continuing education
Authority: IC 25-20.2-3-8
Affected: IC 25-20.2
- Sec. 2. (a) As used in IC 25-20.2, “continuing education” means education provided by board-approved providers that is obtained by a licensee in order to maintain, improve, or expand the licensee’s skills and knowledge.
- (b) Continuing education shall be comprised of two (2) categories, Category I and Category II. The licensee shall obtain a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required amount of continuing education hours for renewal from Category I and may obtain a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the required amount of continuing education hours for renewal from Category II.
- (c) Category I is defined as continuing education that is formal programming, which includes instruction in one (1) of the following areas:
- (1) Heating systems.
- (2) Cooling systems.
- (3) Electrical systems.
- (4) Plumbing systems.
- (5) Structural components.
- (6) Foundations.
- (7) Roof coverings.
- (8) Exterior and interior components.
- (d) Category II is defined as continuing education that is formal programming, which includes instruction in:
- (1) any other site aspects that affect a residential dwelling; or
- (2) business operations, contract writing, ethics courses, report writing, legal liability instruction, or any other formal programming that is specifically directed toward the home inspection industry.
Continuing Education Reporting Form
- Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network
Don’t let the walls foreclose in on you.
Hoosiers facing foreclosure can call a toll-free number, 877-GET-HOPE. This toll-free, confidential help-line is available 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily, at no cost to the consumer. Services include budgeting help, a written financial plan or assistance in contacting lenders. Whenever possible, counselors assist homeowners over the phone. If more extensive assistance is needed, the counselor refers the homeowner to a certified foreclosure intervention specialist.
Also, a Web site http://www.877gethope.org/ is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The initiative is lead by the Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network (IFPN), a public-private partnership of government agencies, lenders, community service and housing-related organizations.
If you’re worried that foreclosure could be in your future, don’t delay. Call 877-GET-HOPE. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call today.
- FAQs
Apply for Licensure
- Question - What do I need to do to get a home inspector license?
- Answer - Information on applying for a home inspector license can be found on the Licensing Information page.
- Question - Is there a fee to apply for a home inspector license?
- Answer - Yes. There is a nonrefundable fifty dollar ($50.00) fee to apply for a home inspector license.
- Question - Is the education I have taken acceptable for application as a home inspector?
- Answer -The Home Inspectors Licensing Board and the IPLA cannot pre-approve education prior to application. If you are unsure if the education you have taken meets requirements, please consult the licensure law compilation.
- Question - When does my home inspector license need to be renewed?
- Answer - The home inspector license expires on October 1 of every odd-numbered year. Renewal begins sixty (90) days prior to the date of expiration, and license renewal can be done any time during that period.
- Question - What is the renewal fee?
- Answer - For home inspector license renewal, the fee is four hundred dollars ($50.00) if renewal is done before expiration. For renewal after expiration there is an additional fifty dollar ($50.00) late fee.
Continuing Education Requirements
- Question - When do I need to have continuing education completed for the home inspector license?
- Answer - The continuing education is due when the license is renewed.
- Question - How many hours of continuing education do I need?
- Answer - If the license has been held for twenty-four (24) months or more, then thirty two (32) hours of approved continuing education is required. If the license has been held for more than twelve (12) months but less than twenty-four (24) months, the requirement is sixteen (16) hours of approved continuing education. A license that has been held less than (1) one year will not need continuing education to renew the license during the current renewal cycle?
Legal Questions
- I have a question about home inspector law in Indiana...
- The Home Inspectors Licensing Board and the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency are prohibited from providing legal advice on issues contained in licensure laws and regulations. If you have a question about legal requirements, please review the compilation of laws and regulations made available by IPLA or consult an attorney.
- Question - What do I need to do to get a home inspector license?
- Scope of Practice Rulings
Licensed practitioners that have a specific question or questions about the scope of practice of their licensed profession may request a "practice ruling" from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) and the Indiana Home Inspectors Licensing Board (the Board). The PLA and the Board may provide a formal determination/interpretation based on the practitioner's factual situations/circumstances. Licensed practitioners may submit a "Request for Practice Ruling" through the web-based form provided on the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page. Additional information and instructions for submitting a "Request for Practice Ruling " are provided on the web page.
All requests will be reviewed by the PLA's legal team, and PLA's legal team will draft a ruling for the Board's consideration and potential adoption. All rulings adopted by the Board will be posted to the Indiana Register as well as the comprehensive list provided on the the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page.