Genetic Counselors Licensing Information
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- Current: Genetic Counselors Licensing Information
Application Instructions
- Genetic Counselor
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Application Fee of $40.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation - If the applicant has answered any of the questions on the application “yes,” a statement detailing the occurrence/situation, the outcome, date of occurrence must be submitted. If it is a malpractice payment, please include the amount paid. If applicable, please submit copies of all court documents and/or arrest records. Letters from attorneys or insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of a statement. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Verification of State Licensure(s) - You must request a “License Verification or Letter of Good Standing” from each State in which you currently are or have ever been licensed, certified, or registered in any regulated health profession or occupation. This includes all licenses etc., which are active, expired, inactive, retired, delinquent etc. In addition to any genetic counselor license/permit etc., this also pertains to any professional health license such as an EMT, Nursing, Pharmacists, etc. You will need to print off the verification form; contact the appropriate entities/States to see if they charge a fee for completing this form and send the form directly to them. They will in turn complete the verification and mail it directly to our office. We do accept official states web verifications; the verification must be original source verification.
- Official Transcript - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option. The official transcript of grades should show that the degree has been conferred and the date of graduation from one of the following:
- A master’s degree from a genetic counseling training program accredited by the American Board of Genetic Counseling or its successor; or
- A doctoral degree from a medical genetics training program that is accredited by the American Board of Medical Genetics or its successor
- Examination - You must submit one of the following:
- Proof of meeting the examination requirement for certification as a genetic counselor by the American Board of Genetic Counseling or the American Board of Medical Genetics of the successor of those entities or a medical geneticist by the American Board of Medical Genetics or its successor.
- Proof of the examination must come directly from one of the above organizations; or
- Proof of current board certification directly from one of the above organizations.
FAIR INFORMATION PRACTICE ACT - In compliance with IC 4-1-6, this agency is notifying all applicants that they must provide the requested information or the application will not be processed. The applicant has the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information provided will become public record. Examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law. A social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with IC 4-1-8-1. Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it.
STATUTE AND RULES - Please view the statute and rules on our Resources page.
FOREIGN TRAINED - Submit all notarized documents in the original language and include a notarized translation of the document. Both must be included.
- Temporary Permit
- Completed Application - Applications may be submitted online at
- Supervisor Form - Found on page 4 of the application. Please upload completed page at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Application Fee of $40.00 - Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. If applying by paper/mail make checks or money orders payable to Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Official Transcript - Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option. The official transcript of grades should show that the degree has been conferred and the date of graduation from one of the following:
- A master’s degree from a genetic counseling training program accredited by the American Board of Genetic Counseling or its successor; or
- A doctoral degree from a medical genetics training program that is accredited by the American Board of Medical Genetics or its successor
- Proof of Active Candidate Status directly from the American Board of Genetic Counseling
- American Board of Genetic Counseling
PO Box 14216
Lenexa, KS 66285
(913) 895-4617
- American Board of Genetic Counseling
A temporary license issued under this section expires upon the earliest of the following:
- The date on which the applicant meets the requirements of this chapter to be licensed; or
- The date that is thirty (30) days after the individual fails the examination.
A supervision contract must be on file with both parties that sets forth the manner in which the supervisor will:
- Assess and document the professional competence, skill, and experience of the supervisee;
- Determine the nature and level of the supervision required by the supervisee;
- Indicate that the supervisor and supervisee will convene monthly to review clinical services and administrative practices;
- Conduct monthly chart or case reviews; and
- Provide coverage during absence, incapacity, infirmity or emergency situations.
- Information Regarding Reciprocity
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- that state's or jurisdiction's requirements for a license are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirements for a license of the Committee; or
- when the person was licensed or certified by another state:
- there were minimum education requirements in the other state or jurisdiction;
- if there were applicable work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect, the person met those requirements to be licensed in that state; and
- if required by the other state or jurisdiction, the person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification.
- Has not committed any act in any state or jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate, registration, or permit to practice that occupation in Indiana at the time the act was committed.
- Does not have a complaint or an investigation pending before the regulating agency in another state or jurisdiction that relates to unprofessional conduct.
- Is in good standing and has not been disciplined by the agency that has authority to issue the license or certification.
- If a law regulating the applicant's occupation requires the Committee to administer an examination on the relevant laws of Indiana, the Committee may require the applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of Indiana.
- Pays any fees required by the Committee for which the applicant is seeking licensure.
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
Renewal Instructions
- Renewal Information
- Genetic counselor licenses expire June 30 of even numbered years.
- The genetic counselor renewal fee is $30 if renewed on or before June 30th. If renewed after June 30th a late fee of $50 will be due in addition to your renewal fee.
- To renew your license, you must have fifty (50) contact hours that have been approved by the National Society of Genetic Counselors within the two (2) year licensure period. For more information regarding CE please visit our Continuing Education section on the Resources page.
Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. License holders with valid email addresses on file will be emailed the renewal notice. Those who do not have valid email addresses on file will be mailed the license renewal notice; this notice is mailed to the address of record with the board. The board has no way of knowing whether or not a notice reaches its destination; therefore, when a notice has been emailed to a valid email address or mailed, the duty of the board has been performed.
Fee Schedule
- Genetic Counselor Applications/Renewals
Genetic Counselor Fee Schedule
Application/Renewal Fee Penalty Total Initial Application $40 NA $40 Temporary Permit $10 NA $10 Renewal - Prior to June 30 even-numbered years $30 $50 $80 Reinstatement - Expired over three years $40 $30 $70