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Additional Resources for Dietitians
- Statutes & Rules
- Continuing Education Requirements
The amount of continuing education required for renewal of certified dietitians is determined by the date on which the applicant for renewal initially received the certificate as specified as follows:
(1) An applicant for renewal who initially received certification within twelve (12) months of the expiration date is not required to complete a continuing education requirement.
(2) An applicant for renewal who initially received certification greater than twelve (12) months but less than twenty-four (24) months prior to the expiration date must provide proof of at least fifteen (15) hours of continuing education. The fifteen (15) hours of continuing education must be obtained subsequent to the date the applicant initially received certification but prior to the expiration date.
(3) An applicant for renewal who initially received certification more than twenty-four (24) months before the expiration date must provide proof of at least thirty (30) hours of continuing education during the two (2) years immediately preceding renewal.
The board shall determine which activities meet the continuing education requirements and may accept those courses approved by the CDR for this purpose. Applicants will be subject to a random audit and must be prepared to submit documentation of completion of approved hours if requested by the board at that time.
This communication is to inform state licensure boards of a recent Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) decision which is intended to expand access to high quality continuing education opportunities afforded to Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered.
Joint Accreditation
CDR is excited to announce its membership organization status with Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education.
CDR has joined the following accrediting organizations who form the collaborative body that is Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education.
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) American Academy of PAs (AAPA) American Dental Association’s Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP)
Credits attained by RDs and DTRs via jointly accredited providers will be logged and tallied as CPEUs on CDR’s Professional Development Portfolio Activity Logs to meet CDR’s recertification requirements.Please be aware that Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered may receive Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEUS) via the following activities offered by providers who presently meet the following approval or accreditation options.
Activities which are approved for CPEUs via CDR’s Prior Approval Process Activities offered by CDR CPE Accredited Providers who currently hold CDR CPE Accredited Provider status. CDR will phase-out its CPE Accredited Provider Program by May 31, 2024 Activities offered by Jointly Accredited Continuing Education Providers.
- This includes single-profession continuing education available to RDs/ DTRs as well as dietetics-related single profession continuing education available to other professions.
- Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) will also be eligible for CPEUs.
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry’s Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (ARBO/COPE)
- Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)
Continuing education questions may be directed to or (317) 234-2060. You may also write to the Indiana Dietitians Certifications Board at 402 West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
- Scope of Practice Rulings
Licensed practitioners that have a specific question or questions about the scope of practice of their licensed profession may request a "practice ruling" from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) and the Indiana Medical Licensing Board (the Board). The PLA and the Board may provide a formal determination/interpretation based on the practitioner's factual situations/circumstances. Licensed practitioners may submit a "Request for Practice Ruling" through the web-based form provided on the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page. Additional information and instructions for submitting a "Request for Practice Ruling " are provided on the web page.
All requests will be reviewed by the PLA's legal team, and PLA's legal team will draft a ruling for the Board's consideration and potential adoption. All rulings adopted by the Board will be posted to the Indiana Register as well as the comprehensive list provided on the the PLA's "Request for Practice Ruling" web page.