Attestation for a Physician to Administer Anesthesia in a Dental Office: Pursuant to Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9(c), an anesthesiologist administering anesthesia or a physician directing or supervising the administration of anesthesia must complete an attestation under Indiana Code § 25-22.5-2-9(c). You must submit this attestation to the Indiana Medical Licensing Board and the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency by completing the web form provided at Attestation for the Administration of Anesthesia in a Dental Office Web Form.
Nitrous Oxide Administration: The board does not have a license or permit for the administration of nitrous oxide. The statute IC 25-13-1-10.7 states what is required in order to administer nitrous oxide by a dental hygienist.
Temporary Waiver from E-Prescribing Requirement: If a practitioner believes they may be eligible for a waiver from the e-prescribing requirements effective Jan. 1, 2021; they may visit the State Board of Pharmacy’s website to apply for a waiver. More information, including the reasons for which a waiver may be approved can be found HERE.
Dentistry Examination Requirement: If you are a dentist applying for licensure in our State, please review IC 25-14-1-3. The State requires that an applicant must pass an examination administered by an entity approved by the board and may not take the examination more than three (3) times.
Supervision Requirements for Dental Hygienists: If you are a Dental Hygienist practicing under an Dentist you must ensure you are following IC 25-13-1-10.
Board Information
Rulemaking Information
Consumer Information
To file a complaint against a provider, please use the link below. All complaints are investigated by the Attorney General's Office and are confidential unless formal charges are filed by the Attorney General's Office with the Board. For more information, the Attorney General's Office may be contacted at 317-232-6201.
Information on the process of submitting a Consumer complaint can be found on the Consumer Complaint Process page.
Contact Information
Cindy Vaught, Board Director
Dana Brooks, Assistant Director
Staff E-mail:
Staff Phone Number: (317) 232-2960
All litigation filings should be submitted through the PLA’s Litigation Division Web Form. If your “filing type” is not provided on the webform or you have a litigation-related inquiry, please contact the PLA at
All probation and other disciplinary documents resulting from a Board, Committee, or Commission Order should be submitted to