Health Care Volunteer Registry
- Current: Health Care Volunteer Registry
Health Care Volunteer Registry Information
In 2015, Governor Mike Pence signed into law House Enrolled Act 1145, establishing Indiana’s Health Care Volunteer Registry. The Registry grants civil immunity to health care professionals, under certain circumstances, who volunteer their services outside of traditional health facilities.
The registry is an electronic health care registry providing an alternative health care option for Hoosiers. Registered practitioners have civil immunity when providing volunteer services under this registry. The registry is available to the public on the internet, including the information of each registered practitioner: name, city and state of residence, licensed profession, license number, date of registration, and date of expiration for registration.
Individual practitioners may complete the State Form and upload to their MyLicense or MyLicense One account.
Application by IndividualHow do Individual Practitioners Sign up?
All location applications are processed through the Indiana Medical Board and a separate license number will be issued to those locations approved.
MyLicense OneHow do Locations Sign Up?
The Registry is Free of Charge.
Are there Fees with the Application?
The benefits include civil immunity and the opportunity for health care professionals to provide an alternative health care option, freestanding from traditional health care.
What is the Benefit?
Eligible Individual Practitioners
Physicians, Physician Assistants, Dentists, LPNs/RNs, Optometrists, & Podiatrists.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
The Indiana State Fair hosted a charitable dental clinic, serving 2k patients in need of dental care, that was free to the public. The hope of this registry is to provide service similar to the charitable dental clinic, to meet all areas of health needs.