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American Suburban Utilities

American Suburban Utilities, Inc. (ASU) provides sewage disposal service in Tippecanoe County.

The utility's current financing request is pending in IURC Cause No. 46017. In testimony (Dellinger and Stull) filed on May 23, 2024, the OUCC is recommending a rate reduction if ASU's request is approved.

The case's procedural schedule includes a June 10, 2024 deadline for ASU's rebuttal testimony.

This page will be updated based on case developments.

  • 2022/2023 Rate Case

    A Jan. 18, 2023 IURC order will allow ASU to raise its monthly residential sewer rate from $59.08 to $65.57. However, ASU initially requested a $99.66 monthly rate, which it adjusted to $88.89 later in the case.

    All publicly filed documents in the case (Cause No. 45649-U) are available on the Commission's website.

    The OUCC recommended denial of ASU's request in the following testimony:

    An IURC public field hearing was held on Mar. 30, 2022. The OUCC issued a Feb. 28, 2022 news release to invite public input and included comments from approximately 400 ASU customers with its testimonial filing.

  • Previous Rate Case

    ASU's previous rates were approved in a Sept. 22, 2021 IURC order, which reduced the utility's interim monthly residential rate of $64.82 and ordered more than $500,000 in customer refunds.

    Key OUCC filings in the subdocket included:

    The subdocket's full case file is available on the IURC website.

    The utility's previous base rates were approved in 2016. In the case, ASU requested a three-phase increase and sought to raise its monthly residential flat rate to $85.17. The OUCC - in its April 2016 proposed order - recommended limiting the eventual increase to $60.80.

    For an overview of testimony the OUCC filed in January 2016, please see the agency's news release.

    The OUCC issued an October 2015 news release to invite consumer comments. An IURC public field hearing was held in West Lafayette on Nov. 16, 2015.

    To view the rate case file (Cause No. 44676) on the IURC website, including all testimony, exhibits, and proposed orders, click here.
