IFA Bond Issued
City of Mount Vernon
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, $23,000,000, issued 10/13/2015
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, $63,575,000, issued 9/25/2014
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, $110,890,000 issued 4/26/2013
Volume Cap Certifications
City of Mount Vernon
- Posey County - SIGECO - $23,000,000 - Issued 10/13/15
Midwest Fertilizer Corporation, $1,259,000,000, issued 12/20/2012, reported 309 jobs created
Posey County - Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company - $22,300,000 - Issued 8/20/09
IFA-Owned Properties
New Harmony
- Harmonie Family Cabins
Mount Vernon
- Cargill, Incorporated, $15,000,000, issued 6/29/2011, reported 3 jobs created
State Revolving Fund Loans Closed
Mount Vernon
- WWSRF Loan, $1,394,000, closed 5/26/2017
- WWSRF Loan, $7,433,000, closed 5/18/2011
- WWSRF Loan, $3,535,000, closed 5/6/2009
- WWSRF Loan, $400,000, closed 11/29/2006
- WWSRF Loan, $1,960,000, closed 6/1/2001
- DWSRF Loan, $3,735,000, closed 6/1/2001
New Harmony
- WWSRF Loan, $1,026,000, closed 9/23/2003
- WWSRF Loan, $1,860,000, closed 2/24/2005
SRF-Funded Arsenic Remediation Grants
- Walnut Grove Mobile Home Park, $100,000, awarded 8/21/2007
Brownfield Sites Ready for Redevelopment
Mount Vernon
- Schilli Leasing (4200607), Comfort Letter issued 9/30/2020
- Westside Laundry, No Further Action Letter, issued 4/25/2012
Brownfields Technical Assistance
Mount Vernon
- Former National Guard Armory, Brownfields Determination Letter, issued 10/28/2011
- Mount Vernon Milling Company, EPA Acknowledgement Letter, 11/7/2008
IFA-Funded Brownfields Projects
Mount Vernon
- Westside Laundry, Petroleum Remediation Grant, $169,790.36, awarded 6/19/2007
- Westside Laundry, Site Assessment Grant, $6,350, awarded 3/01/2003