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Indiana Disability Rights (IDR) is committed to empowering people with disabilities, so IDR’s content is generally written for current, potential, or past clients. Since most students eligible for assistance from IDR’s Education Team are minors, this page is written toward parents and guardians.

What are the rights of my student with a disability?

  • Free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
  • Freedom from discrimination by public schools

Can the Education Team help my student?

If your student qualifies for disability related services, including an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, and is under 22 years of age, IDR may be able to help. The Education Team may be able to help you address concerns about the following topics:

  • Free Appropriate Public Education. Students with disabilities should receive supports and services that allow them to benefit from a free and appropriate public education. Contact IDR if your student is not receiving appropriate supports and services.
  • Plan Compliance. Schools must follow students' IEPs and 504 plans. Contact IDR if your student is not receiving, or is only partially receiving, the supports and services in their IEP or 504 plan.
  • Least Restrictive Environment. Students with disabilities should be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent possible. Contact IDR if you believe your student with disabilities should spend more time with peers without disabilities.
  • Assistive Technology. When developing IEPs or 504 plans, schools should consider whether students could benefit from assistive technology devices or supports. Contact IDR if your student has not received the assistive technology needed to benefit from their education.
  • Restraint and Seclusion. Schools may only use restraint and/or seclusion in rare circumstances, such as an imminent threat to the student or others. Even in those exceptional circumstances, restraint and/or seclusion must be implemented in a specific manner. Contact IDR if you believe your student has been improperly restrained or secluded.
  • Disciplinary Removals. Some students with disabilities have Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs), which include positive interventions and supports to address behaviors. Contact IDR if your student's BIP is inappropriate or ineffective. You may also contact IDR if your student has been suspended or expelled for reasons caused by or directly related to your student's disability.

What issues are a priority for IDR?

IDR prioritizes certain issues for case consideration based on feedback from the disability community. If you are interested in commenting on or viewing our priorities and objectives, click here. Currently, the Education Team actively participates in workgroups and educates policymakers about:

  • The rights of students in institutions

I need IDR’s help. What do I do?

You can fill out our Help Form or call our Intake Team at 1-800-622-4845.

I don’t think I need IDR’s help yet. Are there any resources available that can help me advocate?

ResourceEnglishEnglish, Large PrintSpanishSpanish, Large Print
Transition Guide: Resources for Students Transitioning from High School to AdulthoodEnglish   
School Discipline & Students with Disabilities Fact SheetEnglishEnglish LPSpanishSpanish LP

You may also view the resources below or visit IDR’s Resources webpage.