Large Group Instruction:
Approximately 20 minutes
Present lecture (Document 1-1) explaining the "gendered roles" in pre-war Indiana, and the roles and contributions of women during the Civil War [using attached primary sources to demonstrate each] (Documents 1-2, and 1-3). Ask leading questions throughout to ensure comprehension (Document 1-4).
Cooperative Learning:
Approximately 20 minutes
Form six groups by counting off. Put poem (Document 2-1) up on overhead or hand out copies to students. In addition, each group will receive one of three depictions (Documents 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4). Each group will interpret their assigned portion of poem, as well as their assigned sketch using Activity Sheet (Document 2-5). Allow 10 minutes for this assignment. Glossary sheet might assist in completion of this assignment.
Bring students back together for whole-class discussion on activity just completed (Document 2-6). Allow 10 minutes for discussion and review.
If time allows, show students marker text for the Indiana Historical Marker, "Sisters of the Holy Cross, Civil War Nurses, 1861-1865," (Document 2-7).
Individualized Instruction:
Give students Assignment (Document 3-1) to be handed in the following day.