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Legislative Procedure

The following constitutional provisions were proposed by individual delegates or committees and after consideration by the Convention were rejected.


1. Legislative Committee of Revision. - The legislature shall provide by law for the election of a committee of revision to correct the phraseology of acts passed by the legislature, so as to conform to the constitution (p. 435). Laid on the table.

2. Speeches in French and German. That every Buncombe speech shall be made, not only in the English language, but also in German and French, so that all those belonging to either of the classes, may be prepared to judge for themselves, and not be dependent on interpreters for the information so requisite to enable them to come to correct conclusions. And all names commencing with "Mac," shall hereafter be rendered into good English (p. 436). Rejected.

3. Authorizing the Auditor and Treasurer to Debate Financial Questions on Floor of House. - The Auditor and Treasurer of State, by virtue of their office, may debate all questions of finance upon the floor of the House of Representatives but shall not vote (p. 460). Laid on the table.

4. Time Limitation on Introduction of Bills. - Sec. 29. No bill shall be introduced into either House of the General Assembly within thee days before the day of a general adjournment, and no bill shall be presented to the Governor for his approval on the day of a general adjournment, or on the next preceding day: Provided, however, That the legislature may, by a majority of two-thirds, introduce and pass any law within the last three days of the session (p. 551). Laid on the table.