"In the Process of ACS Verification" Process
The EMS Commission's Triage and Transportation Rule permits hospitals to be considered "trauma centers" if the hospital is either:
- Verified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS).
- Designated a "trauma center" by a neighboring state's trauma center designation system (if comparable to ACS' system).
- "In the process of ACS verification".
The EMS Commission partners with the Indiana State Trauma Care Committee (ISTCC) to review "in the process of ACS verification" applications. The ISTCC/State Health Commissioner reviews the hospital's application. The State Health Commissioner then recommends to the EMS Commission whether a hospital should be considered a "trauma center" for this Rule's purposes. The "In the process of ACS verification" process application is available on the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (EMS Commission) website. Hospitals must provide sufficient documentation for the IDOH to conclude that the hospital complies with a series of requirements. The provisional trauma center status shall not exceed 2 years from the date the provisional status begins. If the hospital is not able to become verified a trauma center within that 2-year period:
- Provisional status is revoked.
- Hospital cannot re-apply for "in the process" status for at least 3 years.

As of April 2014, all "in the process of ACS verification" trauma centers must complete a 1-year review to ensure the hospital is on track to becoming verified within the 2-year period.
"In process" before December 12, 2014
If your hospital was granted "in the process of ACS verification" status BEFORE DECEMBER 12, 2014, complete a 1-year review checklist and supporting documents. These documents will be sent to the Trauma Program Manager listed on the "In the process of ACS verification" application by the Director of the Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention at IDOH two months before the documents are due.
"In process" after December 12, 2014
If your hospital was granted "in the process of ACS verification" status AFTER DECEMBER 12, 2014, complete the updated 1-year review checklist and supporting documents. These documents will be sent to the Trauma Program Manager listed on the "In the process of ACS verification" application by the Director of the Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention at IDOH two months before the documents are due.
Please note: always check the ACS website to ensure you schedule your Consultation/Verification visits in time!
These are the spreadsheets needed for the "in the process of ACS verification" applications: Level II and III excel spreadsheets.