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Home Visiting Careers

  • Is home visiting the career for you?

    Home visitors (also called family support providers) make a difference in their community by supporting women and families during and after pregnancy. Family participation in home visiting is voluntary. Starting with the initial contact with a family, home visitors establish the crucial trust and rapport needed to build a relationship with the family. This relationship grows over time and allows the home visitor to tailor support to the family’s individual needs. Working with families to meet their goals requires building a partnership with the family that reinforces parental resilience and protective factors that lead to better outcomes for the children and families.

  • What does a home visitor do?

    During meetings with families, the home visitor works with the family to establish and work toward goals. The home visitor provides guidance about pregnancy, postnatal care, early childhood developmental milestones, parenting techniques, well child visits, and any additional challenging areas. The home visitor also supports families in advocating for their needs and provides referrals to connect them to the resources that can help meet those needs. The home visitor documents notes for each visit, and meets regularly with a supervisor to review notes and discuss any challenging situations.

  • Do you have the training and/or experience to be a home visitor?

    Home visitors need to develop knowledge and skills to be able to structure a home visit that promotes and strengthens the parent’s capacity to support their child’s physical, social & emotional, cognitive, language, and literacy development. Employers are looking for someone with a passion to serve their community. Thay may also look for background or education in childcare, social work, case management, customer service, psychology, education, and lived experience. Additionally, employers provide extensive initial and ongoing training and support (including shadowing experienced home visitors) to ensure that each new home visitor has the knowledge base, tools, and support system to be effective and successful in the position.

  • Like this concept but not sure home visiting is the role for you?

    Other positions may be available, including outreach and enrollment, or data support and analysis.

If you have any questions, please contact