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About Us


We support partnerships that improve Indiana's health outcomes in marginalized communities by providing sustainable funding, technical assistance, and quality assurance insights through measurable data tracking.


We are the community and together we promote healthy Indiana communities through innovative partnerships and programs.


Efficient: We are productive by being well-organized and solution-focused with streamlined processes driven by data.

Inspiring: With a team that looks like Indiana, we inspire our leaders and partners to serve communities with a growth mindset.

Empathy: We build trust-based communities through collaboration, cultural responsiveness, respect, and shared experiences. We consider each person and their trauma while serving.

Strengths-based: We focus on the strengths in marginalized communities to promote the best standards of care.

Innovation: We continue to learn, research evidence-informed practices and be open to new methods, ideas and products that help build and expand service access and delivery.

Integrity: We are honest, trustworthy, and transparent. We uphold standards and do the right things to achieve the best public health outcomes.