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Jack Laurie Group


Contact Name: Brent Koenig

Address: 7998 Georgetown Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46268, Suite 1000

Phone: (463) 710-8899


Business Information

Company Name: Jack Laurie Group

Company website:

Company Phone Number: (317) 704-1100

Company Location: Indianapolis and Fort Wayne

Industry: Commercial Construction and Design

Locations of Careers: Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and NW Region of Indiana

Company Description: We focus on customer-centric project management through hiring and developing skilled craftsmen and project managers. Our team fulfills needs not by centering on products or procedures, but instead creating custom solutions that fit the exact needs of your project. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and we don’t believe in forcing what works for one project into another or pushing specific products on customers. We’ll provide you with the best solutions for you so you’re able to make the most informed decisions when it comes to your facility.

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