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Current Weather Conditions & Forecasts

Sources of Information

National Weather Service Home Page - National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This site has Warnings and Forecasts, National Maps, Radar, Rivers, and Satellite images, plus much more.

The Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) - National Weather Service. This site contains notices of active weather warnings and advisories for each state, hourly weather reports, forecasts and more. Click on a state to see more detail.

USA Weather, commercial site - Intellicast. This site gives weather forecasts by state and by city. The format is both graphical and text-based. You can focus on the Midwest, Indiana, or Indianapolis, if you wish. The Radar Loop site provides updated images for the U.S. and for the region 4 times per hour. To add overlays to your region (counties, highways, city names, etc.), click on the map area of interest, then click on the Regional Radar Loop and pick the overlays wanted.

University of Kentucky Agricultural Weather Center  - A joint service of the University of Kentucky Agricultural Weather Center and the National Weather Service. This site contains a synopsis of Indiana Weather and Climate by County, including satellite images from NOAA and a 1-Month Graphic showing Percent of Normal Precipitation .


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