Water Email Newsletters
Indiana DNR Division of Water offers a variety of e-mail newsletters based on water interests. To sign up, use one or more of the links below.
Conservancy districts – approximately monthly delivery; topics related to governance, technical, environmental, and funding issues for conservancy districts in Indiana.
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Dam owner – approximately monthly delivery; topics include dam safety, maintenance, hazard level determinations, incident and emergency plans and more.
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Engineer / consultant - monthly delivery; topics include technical and regulatory information for water resource issues handled by the Division of Water, training and continuing education opportunities, website and database updates and more.
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Floodplain property owner / resident - monthly delivery; topics include variety of floodplain issues, both technical and regulatory.
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Groundwater user / well driller / well owner / pump installer - monthly delivery; topics include summaries of water resources, aquifer system maps, water well records information, water and soil moisture reports and more.
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Lake property owner / resident - monthly delivery; topics include shorelines, flooding, permitting, temporary piers and more.
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Local government official - brief weekly delivery highlighting one or two topics on a variety of water resource issues, continuing education, regulatory requirements and more.
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Professionals whose work is impacted by water resource issues - approximately weekly delivery. Information for realtors, natural resource managers, legislators / elected leaders, news media, etc.
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