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Get Involved

Sell Your Land

As part of the Healthy Rivers INitiative, DNR works to acquire land in project areas from willing sellers. DNR-purchased land along the river corridor provide both public access and recreation benefits as well as create a protected corridor of habitat for wildlife. To date, over 16,000 acres have been purchased in the three projects areas.

Private Land Conservation

Interested in protecting and restoring habitat while maintaining ownership of your private property? Landowners in the Healthy Rivers INitiative project area may be eligible for a variety of conservation programs administered by DNR and our federal partners including the United States Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or United States Fish & Wildlife Service. Many of these programs provide both technical and financial assistance to landowners while providing many benefits to wildlife and water quality.


Make a difference to Indiana’s rivers and the wildlife that depend on them. Donate today to the Healthy Rivers INitiative. Your generous donation is used to purchase land from willing sellers to create a legacy of healthy rivers for future generations.

Contact Us

For more information about the Healthy Rivers INitiative, please call (317) 234-8101 or email

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