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Older Youth Initiatives

  • DCS
  • Current: Older Youth Initiatives

The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) Older Youth Initiatives (OYI) program offers current and former foster youth independent living services through Older Youth Services, Transition to Successful Adulthood Services and Voluntary Services. DCS offers extended foster care services through the Collaborative Care program. OYI is designed as a continuum of care beginning at age 16, with transition to adulthood services at age 17.5 for youth expected to age out of foster care, extended foster care until age 21, and voluntary services to age 23.

OYI offers the Youth Connection Program (YCP) to help youth expected to age out of foster care identify permanent supportive adult connections.

The primary purposes of the OYI program are:

  • Provide independent living services to help youth gain the necessary skills and prepare for adulthood in activities of daily living, education, employment, financial and asset management, housing, and physical and mental health.
  • Increasing personal and emotional support to youth through identifying supportive permanent connections with caring adults and locating and identifying community resources available after DCS involvement.
  • Support youth who are expected to remain in foster care until their 18th birthday or after, and assist them with their transition out of foster care to self-sufficiency by connecting them to additional services and resources.
  • Authentically engage youth by honoring youth voices, youth-adult partnerships and encouraging positive personal growth through "teachable moments" and "experiential learning."

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Older Youth Services

Independent Living: Services and support designed to provide skill building and experiential learning in education employment, financial and asset management, housing, and physical and mental health for youth in foster care - beginning at age 16.

Transition to Successful Adulthood Services: Transitional services designed to assist youth expected to age out of the foster care system with Another Permanent Planned Living Arrangement (APPLA) with intensive independent living services to prepare for their transition into adulthood.

Indiana Extended Foster Care Program - Collaborative Care: Indiana's extended foster care system designed for young adults from age 18 until they turn 21. At age 21, they can voluntarily request to remain or reenter foster care with services

Voluntary Services: For young adults who were formerly in foster care for a minimum of six months and aged out at age 18; collaborative care closed at age 21; or obtained adoption/guardianship on or after their 16th birthday. Services are available up to the day before their 23rd birthday.

Older Youth Initiatives

Indiana Youth Advisory Board: A youth-led advisory board that provides a forum for Indiana's foster youth to develop leadership and advocacy skills, and allow youth involvement regarding issues in the foster care system.

Indiana Youth Bill of Rights: A document describing the rights of Indiana's foster youth concerning education, health, visitation and court participation, the right  to provided with various documents, and the right to stay safe.

Transportation Support: Assistance for youth participating in driver's education to reduce barriers to employment and education.

Older Youth Permanency: Services available to young adults who have achieved permanency at age 16 or older.


Chafee Education and Training Voucher Program (EVT) and Post Secondary Financial Aid Assistance: Supports for youth and young adults participating in post-secondary educational opportunities.


Resources for youth and young adults seeking development and educational/vocational training services.


Resources and services regarding budget and financial management.


Housing education and home management services.

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National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)

A data collection system that tracks independent living services provided to youth, and performance outcomes.

Youth Connections Program

A youth-driven program designed to increase well-being by connecting youth and enhancing relational permanency and social capital.

Anisa L. Evans-Tucker, MSW
Older Youth Initiatives Manager -
Chafee Statewide Program Manager
Work: 317-234-4500
Sheena Mickelson
Northeast Independent Living Specialist
Regions 3, 4, 6, 7, 10-12
Work: 574-229-3430
William Thomas
Northwest Independent Living Specialist
Regions 1, 2, 5, 8, 9
Work: 219-384-8682
Fax: 317-232-1726

William (Harry) Day, M.S.
Southern Independent Living Specialist
Regions 13-18
Work: 812-595-3575

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