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NYTD logoThe National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) collects information on youth in foster care, including sex, race, ethnicity, date of birth, and foster care status. It also collects information about the outcomes of those youth who have aged out of foster care.


Public Law 106-169 established the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) at section 477 of the Social Security Act, providing States with flexible funding to carry out programs that assist youth in making the transition from foster care to self-sufficiency. The law also requires the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to develop a data collection system to track the independent living services States provide to youth and develop outcome measures that may be used to assess States' performance in operating their independent living programs. The law requires ACF to impose a penalty of between one and five percent of the State's annual allotment on any State that fails to comply with the reporting requirements.

NYTD Youth Outcomes Survey

Informational Videos

How to Successfully Administer the National Youth in Transition Database Survey
A playlist of videos explaining how to administer the NYTD survey in person (first video), over the phone (second video) and electronically (third video)

You Can Make a Difference: For Youth With Lived Experience - How you can make a difference

NYTD Services and Service Log Data Entry

For NYTD survey inquires contact the NYTD Help Desk

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