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Supreme Court Externships

The Supreme Court of Indiana has opportunities for externs to work directly with the five Justices of the Court. Each extern will perform a variety of tasks.

Eligibility. Externship positions are available to students who have completed the first year of law school.

Compensation. Externships are unpaid. If an extern desires internship/externship or similar education credits for their participation, they must coordinate with their law schools.

Applications. Each Justice of the Supreme Court makes his or her own decisions on selecting externs according to each Justice's own policies and procedures. Some Justices have specific application requirements, so please review the information below for each Justice. Typically, applications for externships include the following materials:

  1. A cover letter;
  2. A resume;
  3. A college transcript and law school transcript;
  4. A writing sample.

Applicants who wish to apply to an individual Justice may do so by mailing one copy of an application to:

Chief Justice Loretta H. Rush

311 Indiana State House
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Anticipated openings: Chief Justice Rush accepts up to three externs for each of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Externs are selected on the basis of the application packet and an interview conducted at the State House. Externs typically work in chambers one or two days each week. They usually write criminal transfer memos and an oral argument memo, and moot an oral argument. Please consolidate all application documents—cover letter, resume, college transcript (unofficial is fine), law school transcript (unofficial is fine), and writing sample—into one PDF file. Then submit your completed application file to by the appropriate deadline listed below.

  • Applications for the Fall Semester must be submitted no later than June 1st of the prior summer.
  • Applications for the Spring Semester must be submitted no later than October 15th of the prior fall.
  • Applications for the Summer Semester must be submitted no later than January 31st of the prior spring.

Justice Mark S. Massa

304 Indiana State House
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-232-2550 (tel.)

Anticipated openings: Justice Massa accepts up to two externs for each of the Fall and Spring semesters subject to the deadlines below. Externs are selected solely on the basis of the application packet; no interviews will be scheduled. Externs typically work in chambers one day per week preparing memos and performing research on pending cases and attending oral arguments when possible. Please consolidate all application documents—cover letter, resume, college and law school transcripts (unofficial is fine), and one writing sample in the form of a memo or brief (not an academic paper or law review note)—into one PDF file which must be sent electronically to Justice Massa's chambers via his Judicial Assistant, Jessica Hughes.

  • Applications for the Fall Semester must be submitted no later than June 1st of the prior summer.
  • Applications for the Spring Semester must be submitted no later than October 15th of the prior fall.

Justice Geoffrey G. Slaughter

306 Indiana State House
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-232-2549 (tel.)

Anticipated openings: Justice Slaughter accepts up to two externs for each of the Fall and Spring semesters, on a rolling acceptance basis, subject to the deadlines below. Externs must be available either Thursdays or Fridays. Please consolidate all application documents—cover letter, resume including unofficial law school transcript, and one writing sample—into one PDF file. Then submit your completed application file to Externs are selected on the basis of the application packet; no interviews will be scheduled.

  • Applications for the Fall Semester must be submitted no later than June 1st of the prior summer.
  • Applications for the Spring Semester must be submitted no later than October 15th of the prior fall.

Justice Christopher M. Goff

321 Indiana State House
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-232-2546 (tel.)

Anticipated openings: Justice Goff accepts up to two externs for each of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Externs are selected on the basis of the application packet and an interview conducted in person or via telephone. Interested students should consolidate all application documents—cover letter, resume, college transcript (unofficial is fine), law school transcript (unofficial is fine), and writing sample—into one PDF file. Then submit your completed application file to Justice Goff’s chambers via his Judicial Assistant, Michelle Shorter by the appropriate deadline listed below.

  • Applications for the Fall Semester must be submitted no later than June 1st of the prior summer.
  • Applications for the Spring Semester must be submitted no later than October 15th of the prior fall.
  • Applications for the Summer Semester must be submitted no later than January 31st of the prior spring.

Justice Derek R. Molter

324 Indiana State House
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Anticipated openings: Justice Molter accepts up to two externs for each of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Externs are selected on the basis of the application packet and an interview conducted in person, via video conference, or via telephone. Interested students should consolidate all application documents—cover letter, resume, college transcript (unofficial is fine), law school transcript (unofficial is fine), and writing sample—into one PDF file. Then submit your completed application file to by the appropriate deadline listed below.

  • Applications for the Fall Semester must be submitted no later than June 1st of the prior summer.
  • Applications for the Spring Semester must be submitted no later than October 15th of the prior fall.
  • Applications for the Summer Semester must be submitted no later than January 31st of the prior spring.

The Indiana Supreme Court is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and a copy of the EEOP Short Form will be provided upon request. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.