The following form is maintained by the Office of Court Services. Instructions for completing and filing the form are below. Are you looking for Protection Order, Workplace Violence Restraining Order, or No Contact Order forms?
- Who fills out the form? The court making the determination of domestic violence will complete the form.
- Chronological Case Summary (CCS). A notation should be made on the Chronological Case Summary that a determination of domestic violence has been made.
- Records of Judgments and Orders (RJO). The original form completed by the court should be placed in the court's Records of Judgments and Orders for the date that the form was completed by the court.
- Distribution of copies. Copies of the finding by the court should be distributed as follows: (1) defendant, (2) prosecuting attorney, and (3) case file.
Additional Instruction for Non-Odyssey Courts:
Courts not using the Odyssey CMS must update the information in the NICS reporting application in INcite to submit the Domestic Violence determination to NICS.