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Juvenile Delinquency Benchbook Forms

The following forms comply with provisions of Ind. Code § 31-37-6-6, which requires that court orders include "language approved and recommended by the judicial conference of Indiana in relation to removal or detention." Failure to adopt language from these forms, most significantly the federal IV-E language, may result in your county being liable for the costs of placement of a child. The forms below are available in Microsoft Word format. To view and print Word documents, you must have Microsoft Word installed on your computer.

Access Probation Officers' Reports on the Probation Website

Detention and Custody Decisions

Preliminary Inquiry

Informal Adjustment

Delinquency Petition

Initial Hearing



Fact-finding Hearing

Dispositional Hearings

Court Orders to Parents, Child, Others


Public Access and Expungement of Records

Court Ordered Driver’s License Suspensions

Dual Status

Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP)

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