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Update contact information

If you are an attorney and mediator...

You cannot edit your basic information, business address or home address on this page, as these are part of your Roll of Attorneys record. You will need to use the "Manage My Attorney Record" tools from the dashboard to update this information.

You can add a mediator business name, a phone number for your mediation practice (Alternate Phone) and a Mediator Address that is separate from your attorney business address.

Remember that when your contact information changes, you are required to update the information with the appellate clerk's office within 30 days of the change, and you may do so on the portal.

If you are a mediator who is not an attorney...

On this page, you can edit your business name, phone and fax numbers, as well as email and mailing address. If you do not have a business address, you can provide your home address in both the business address and home address fields.


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