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If you have a digital copy or scan of your certificate of attendance, upload it on this screen.

To upload a document:

  • Click the "Browse" button and find the document on your computer
  • The document will not upload until you click "Continue" on the page

If you do not have a certificate attendance, skip the upload and answer the questions about presentation and materials preparation to continue.

Presenting and preparing materials

If you were a presenter for the course, the number of minutes you spent presenting will be multiplied by 4 to tally your total CLE credits. So just enter the actual number of minutes you spent presenting. We'll do the math for you.

If you prepared written materials that were presented by someone else, the number of minutes you spent preparing will be divided by 4 to tally your total CLE credits. So enter the actual number of minutes you spent preparing, and again, we'll do the math for you.

Do not complete this section to tally credit for time you spent creating materials that you presented. That's why we multiply your time spent presenting by 4—to figure in the time you spent preparing.

See Admission and Discipline Rule 29, Section 3(b)(1)(vi).

After you have answered the required questions, click "Continue" to move forward to the Affidavit of Attendance.

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