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State Public Defender

Providing representation on post-conviction actions in death penalty, criminal, and juvenile delinquency cases

Learn more about the office
"From the very beginning, our state and national constitutions and laws have laid great emphasis on procedural and substantive safeguards designed to assure fair trials before impartial tribunals in which every defendant stands equal before the law. This noble ideal cannot be realized if the poor man charged with crime has to face his accusers without a lawyer to assist him."

Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

Contact us

The State Public Defender’s Office operates with a staff of full time dedicated deputy public defenders and support staff.

Amy Karozos
Public Defender of Indiana

James Acklin
Chief Deputy State Public Defender

Cassandra Wright
Assistant Chief Deputy State Public Defender

Indiana State Public Defender
One North Capitol, Suite 800
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Phone: 317-232-2475
Fax: 317-232-2307