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Press Release: Retirement Ceremony of the Honorable Terry A. Crone

For Immediate Release | September 3, 2024

Court of Appeals of Indiana Judge Terry A. Crone Announces Retirement

INDIANAPOLIS – Judge Terry A. Crone will retire from the Court of Appeals of Indiana on November 5, 2024. His retirement ceremony will be held on Monday, November 4, 2024, in the Supreme Court Courtroom.

Raised in South Bend, Indiana, Judge Crone is a graduate of DePauw University and Notre Dame Law School. He was elected to three terms as judge of the St. Joseph Circuit Court before Governor Kernan appointed him to the Court of Appeals in 2004. He was retained to the Court by election in 2006 and 2016. He has served the Court with distinction for 20 years, authoring over 2,988 majority opinions and participating in over 245 oral arguments.

Judge Crone has spent his career helping remove barriers to justice for disadvantaged populations. He helped found a program in South Bend to familiarize minority high school students with the law and related fields and was a founding member of the South Bend Commission on the Status of African-American Males and the St. Joseph County Coalition Against Drugs. As Circuit Court judge, he also initiated the first Spanish-speaking program for public defenders in St. Joseph County.

A tireless advocate of elevating the quality of the practice of law, Judge Crone has been a frequent speaker at legal education programs, as well as a past President of the St. Joseph County Bar Association, a former member of the Board of Managers of the Indiana Judges Association, the Supreme Court Committee on Character and Fitness, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Indiana Judicial Conference, and past chair of the Appellate Practice Section of the Indiana State Bar Association. He is a member of the St. Joseph County, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana State and American Bar Associations, the American Judicature Society, and the Phi Delta Phi Honorary Legal Society.

“Judge Crone’s tenure on the Court of Appeals has been marked by his tenacity, dedication, and good humor,” said Chief Judge Robert R. Altice, Jr., current Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals. “He will be missed both as a quality judge and a first-rate colleague.”

“It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the citizens of the state of Indiana for four decades,” said Judge Crone, “and I am thankful to all of those people and colleagues who have helped me along the way.”

For these reasons and many more, the Court of Appeals will always be a better institution because of the contributions and service of Judge Terry A. Crone.


About the Court of Appeals of Indiana

As the second-highest court in Indiana, the Court of Appeals hears appeals from the state’s trial courts and some state agencies. The Court hears cases only in three-judge panels, and all panels have statewide jurisdiction and rotate three times per year. Cases are randomly assigned. The 15 members of the Court issue approximately 2,000 written opinions each year. A decision of the Court of Appeals of Indiana is final unless granted further review by the Indiana Supreme Court.


Anne Fuchs, Communications Director

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