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Juror Information

If you have been selected as a prospective juror for a jury trial you will be ORDERED TO APPEAR at 8:00 am on the third floor of the Noble County Courthouse. The Courthouse is located on the Courthouse Square at the intersection of State Road 8 and State Road 9 in Albion, Indiana. Please do not park on the east or north sides of the Courthouse or in any other designated two-hour parking zone. The County has provided a free parking lot for all-day parking across the street on the west side of the Courthouse, beside the Prosecutor’s office on York Street. No public transit is available.

NOTE: The day before the trial, call (260) 636-4004 to check if the trial has been canceled.

PRESS 1 – for Superior Court 1

PRESS 2 – for Superior Court 2

PRESS 3 – for Circuit Court

You will be compensated for your mileage to and from Jury service. If selected to serve, you will be paid $40.00 per day. If not selected, you will be paid $15.00.

Please dress appropriately in casual business attire. The County will provide meals at no cost to you. If you have special dietary needs, please advise the Bailiff at your earliest opportunity.

After you arrive, you will be given a program on juror orientation. It is anticipated that you will know by noon if you have been selected to serve as a Juror. We will make every effort to minimally inconvenience you. If you need an excuse form for your place of employment, the Bailiff will assist you.

We understand that your time is valuable. We also know you realize how critical jury service is. Our American system of justice can only function through the dedication of those citizens who serve as jurors.

If you do not appear at the time and location set forth above and have not been excused by the Court, A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER MAY BE DISPATCHED TO BRING YOU TO COURT.