This page is for insurance agents and other authorized users only. If you are a customer of an insurance provider and need to submit an insurance form to the BMV, contact your insurance provider to have them electronically submit the appropriate form to the BMV. To assure the validity of the insurance coverage, Indiana law requires all insurance forms to be filed by an insurance provider or executed by an officer or agent of the insured.
Proof of Financial Responsibility for Motor Driven Cycles
As of 2015, state law requires your customers to hold proof of financial responsibility for motor driven cycles. You will need to provide proof of financial responsibility to the BMV when your customer receives a request for verification.
Read the FAQ for more information covering motor driven cycles driving credentials, titling and registration.
Insurance Agents Information
The BMV's Electronic Insurance Forms Submission (EIFS) program allows insurance providers to submit a number of different proofs of financial responsibility through the BMV on behalf of their customers. Four different proofs of financial responsibility (insurance) will be accepted electronically through this program, including SR22, SR26, SR50 and a Certificate of Compliance (COC). Participating insurance agents may enter information from any of the four accepted forms into the BMV's database, which will update their customer’s official driver record.
Submit a Request for Access
Upon receipt of an accident report or traffic conviction from law enforcement, the BMV will determine if it is required by statute to send a request for insurance verification to the driver. The link below is for insurance providers to submit a request for access to the Electronic Insurance Forms Submission (EIFS) program or submit proof of financial responsibility documentation that has been requested by the BMV.
Forgot your User ID or Password?
Please email your name, your company's name and phone number and the BMV will contact you.