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2022 RSI Annual Report

Train Smart. Ride Smart.

Our Mission

Ride Safe Indiana (RSI) is the State of Indiana’s motorcycle safety program within the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Our mission is to train motorcyclists and educate motorists to decrease motorcycle fatalities and collisions.

Thank you for your support

RSI would like to thank its providers for their commitment to providing Indiana residents with courses for both new and seasoned riders. Because of their participation, RSI is able to continue its mission to train motorcyclists and educate motorists to decrease motorcycle fatalities and collisions.

ABATE of Indiana
Cannonball Harley Davidson
Dreyer Motorsports
Ehlerding Motorsports

Harley Davidson of Fort Wayne
Harley Davidson of Indianapolis
Hoosier Harley Davidson
Indianapolis Southside Harley Davidson

Indy West Harley Davidson
Kersting’s Cycle Center
Motorcycle Rider Training
M Y Motorsports
Riders First

2022 in Numbers

Breakdown of 2022 RSI Course Participants

Total Participants in 2022


Participant Pass/Fail Rates

89% of all participants in RSI courses passed in 2022

Gender Demographics of Participants

74% of all participants in RSI courses were male and 26% were female

Endorsements Added and Motorcycles Registered in 2022

Endorsements Added from 2019 to 2022

8224 people added motorcycle endorsements to their licenses with 2123 of them being added online

Motorcycles Registered in 2022

222,807 motorcycles and 15,336 motor driven cycles were registered in 2022

Collisions and Fatalities

Collisions & Fatalities from 2020 to 2022

89% of all participants in RSI courses passed in 2022

Top 5 Factors For Collisions

Motorcycle failing to yield to another vehicle


Failure to Yield Right of Way

Motorcyclist traveling at an unsafe speed


Unsafe Backing, Movement,
or Speed

Vehicle turning into motorcyclist's lane


(Driver, Environmental, Vehicle)

Motorcyclist following a vehicle too closely


Following Too Closely

Motorcyclist driving toward an object in the road


Animal or Object
in the Roadway

Top 5 Factors For Collisions

Motorcycle failing to yield to another vehicle


Failure to Yield Right of Way

Motorcyclist traveling at an unsafe speed


Unsafe Backing, Movement,
or Speed

Vehicle turning into motorcyclist's lane


(Driver, Environmental, Vehicle)

Motorcyclist following a vehicle too closely


Following Too Closely

Motorcyclist driving toward an object in the road


Animal or Object
in the Roadway

New Bikes Added to the Fleet

In 2022, the RSI team added new motorcycles to their fleet—several Yamaha MT-03 bikes and Royal Enfield Meteor 350 bikes. The new additions are a part of a renewal cycle the RSI team enforces to ensure all trainees are riding bikes that are up-to-date, have fewer miles, and less wear-and-tear. The RSI team will track the demographics of those who sign up for courses to train on these newer bikes. With the introduction of the sportier Yamaha MT-03 bikes, the RSI team hopes to see an increase in interest from younger riders gaining endorsements.

Yamaha MT-03 sport motorcycle
Group photo of the RSI team members

Meet the RSI Team

Born from a passion to keep riders safe on the road, Ride Safe Indiana was established in 2016. The BMV recognized it could better serve Indiana motorcyclists by owning the program and building relationships with multiple contractors across the state.

RSI is proud the program is providing new and current riders with the knowledge and skills to help them stay safe on the road and possibly save their lives.

The team aspires to train 10,000 people in one season and will work collaboratively towards that goal with its providers.

Pictured from L to R: Bill Hatt, Mark Connery, Stephanie Taylor, Jeff Stokes, Jenna Brown, Cassie Bailey, and Rob Galbraith