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2020 BMV Annual Report

2020 BMV Annual Report

From The Commissioner

Our mission is to serve all Hoosiers, to provide best in class service timely, accurately, and with security and transparency. I am incredibly proud to share that despite the seemingly insurmountable challenges the team faced in 2020, we fulfilled our mission.

The 2020 BMV Annual Report is very different from those reports we have shared over the past several years. Welcome to our all-electronic format! This report reflects the adaptability of our team and the innovative use of existing technology our lines of business employed this year to keep the business running. As you scroll through the report you will find our financial summary, key performance indicators, a timeline of events from last year, and a celebration of some of our major successes.

Last year was one of constant change, most of which was unexpected, but all of which our team adapted to quickly. Through it all, our team delivered great government service maintaining an overall customer satisfaction rating of more than 97%. The agency's four pillars — Engage Customers, Sustainable Systems, Product Innovation, and Employee Investment — helped guide us as we adapted operations and continue to guide us as we set our strategic plan for 2021-2024.

Peter Lacy

Peter L. Lacy

Peter L. Lacy

Our Mission

Serve all Hoosiers by providing best-in-class driver and vehicle services in a timely and accurate manner while ensuring security and transparency.






















Agency Responsibilities

Driver Records

Driver Records

The BMV maintains confidential records for current and previous Indiana residents.

Vehicle Titling and Registration

Vehicle Titling and Registration

Titles and registrations issued to Hoosiers for vehicles, trailers, and watercraft.

Driver's License and ID Program

Driver's License and ID Program

Driver’s licenses and state ID cards are validated and issued to individuals satisfying the required qualifications.

Driver Safety

Driver Safety

Indiana driver’s education and training providers must meet specific requirements set forth by the BMV to provide safety education to Hoosier motor vehicle operators, commercial drivers, and motorcyclists.


  • Peter Lacy
    Peter Lacy +

Fees and Taxes Collected & Distributed

The BMV collected $1.2B in fees and taxes during fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020). As displayed in the darkest blue portion of the graph, the agency distributes more than 50% of the fees and taxes collected back to local city and county governments. The local government distribution splits are featured on the right side of the pie chart.

Customer Satisfaction YTD

COVID-19 Historical Operational Actions Summary

Many of BMV’s internal operations were suspended during the public health emergency. Agency work impacted by Executive Order resumed in phases corresponding with Governor Holcomb’s Back On Track plan.


Plexiglass iconMarch 3 Temporarily suspended all in-person branch transactions and reduced staff presence in Central Office. Online, phone, and mail services remained available.


March 24 Began purchasing materials to install Plexiglas barriers between terminals as well as between customers and BMV associates.


April 6 In support of the critical need for supplies throughout the state,15 branches opened by appointment only to process new CDL transactions.


April 21 Increased available transactions at open branches to include For-Hire endorsement which lent additional support to the delivering of critical supplies.


May 4 Opened 55 branches by appointment only and simultaneously expanded transaction availability. Central Office operations resumed.


driving test iconMay 11 All 129 branches opened by appointment only.


Walk-in appointmentsMay 18 Increased appointment capacity at 60 branches and piloted walk-in service in a small number of locations.


May 26 Continued expanding branch appointment capacity and limited ‘walk-in’ services to provide additional capacity for Hoosiers.


June 1 and 2 Branches were open to the public for extended hours on Election Day and the day before Election Day to process IDs for voting purposes with no appointment needed.


June 15 Transitioned from appointment only to walk-in service plus appointments in all branches. Continued to encourage out-of-branch transaction options.


driving test iconLate June Began scheduling driving skills exams for customers whose appointment was previously cancelled due to the health emergency.


July 24 Driving skills exam appointments opened for all branches.

BMV Metrics

The report highlights four key performance metrics focused on measuring customer satisfaction, experience, and transactions. The customer satisfaction metrics are based on calendar year 2020. The bar charts provide a trend from January 2017 through December 2020.

Customer Satisfaction YTD

Customer Satisfaction YTD

Customer Satisfaction YTD

Real ID Conversions

Real ID Conversions

In 2020, the Real ID conversion rate averaged 59%. Today, over 64% of Hoosiers are Real ID compliant. Of all 92 counties, Marion and Lake counties represent a combined 21.9% of the noncompliant population.

Out of Branch Transactions

Out of Branch Transactions

The number of transactions performed online using myBMV or on a kiosk increased by 13.4% in 2020 compared to the previous year, representing 4.2M of 12.9M customer transactions.

Branch Experience Time

Customer Visit Time

Branch experience time averaged 18:26 min in 2020 compared to 13:04 in 2019. In total, approximately 6.2 million branch transactions were processed in 2020 with 68.5% completed in under 20 minutes in spite of COVID-related operational challenges.

Response to COVID

Due to the arrival of COVID in our communities, BMV processes and procedures changed rapidly throughout the Spring and early Summer. Ensuring our customers and employees were safe as we fought to continue serving Hoosiers was the driving force behind our decision making. In partnership with the Indiana State Department of Health and with guidance from the CDC, we were able to institute protections and practices to help all who visited a BMV branch.

Changes began by expanding cleaning contracts and setting standard practices for cleaning throughout the day. All branches were provided with supplies, including hand sanitizer and masks. We instituted proper social distancing by maximizing the waiting area to accommodate as many chairs as possible spaced 6-feet apart. Marks were placed throughout the entrance and down walkways to indicate appropriate distance. Employees were protected initially by only using alternate workstations, but as Plexiglas dividers were installed between stations, all terminals were put back in use.

BMV Associates from Central Office volunteered to help in the branches. Between each customer, team members sanitized newly vacated waiting areas seats and the customer facing side of the next available workstation. Vision screening machines, door handles, and all other high touch areas were also cleaned to ensure the safety of each customer. All of this activity was supported by stationing an associate in the lobby to expedite the process for customers and volunteers alike. These practices continue today.

Complimentary to the actions within the branches, our communications team worked to heavily promote out of branch service opportunities. Consistent promotion of BMV Connect and myBMV across multiple  channels helped to reduce the amount of foot traffic in branches.

  • Branch COVID Response
    COVID signage in the branch

Making our branches safe for customers and employees was an undertaking for the entire agency. One we believe was a great success.

Central Office Title Processing

To create efficiencies in Central Office Title Processing (COTP), the BMV applied Heijunka, a Lean method used to level production and establish a continuous flow of work. The objective of applying production leveling to the 8 transaction categories mailed to the agency was to reduce rework, create efficiencies, and optimize training time while maintaining or increasing throughput. Expanded efficiencies included a reduction in processing time for customers, balanced workload, and daily scheduling effectiveness. By implementing Heijunka the department is able to manage a growing backlog of work at a consistent level across all production lines. Beyond realizing the targeted outcomes, morale and attitude have been improved department wide and employees have embraced the opportunity to cross train and take on additional responsibility.


Virtual Breakroom

When the COVID-19 outbreak closed our branches and offices in March 2020, it became a challenge for team members to connect with one another and share information. Realizing that socialization is vital to our associates, the Virtual Breakroom was born.

The Virtual Breakroom is an online space for both educational resources and fun interactive experiences for team members to stay connected at home or at work.

The Virtual Breakroom shares photos, stories, jokes, recipes and activities to bridge the distance between our branches and offices. Content is constantly updated to keep the site fresh and engaging. There is also a popular comment section for folks to leave messages and celebrate successes.

Judging from site metrics and the positive feedback from associates, the Virtual Breakroom has become a valuable tool for staying connected and has become a permanent positive solution to what we thought was only a temporary need.

Looking Ahead

The agency was faced with many hurdles in 2020 but the team showed its resilience in tackling every obstacle by implementing quick and effective solutions. Looking ahead, the BMV remains focused on pioneering new technology and investing in opportunities to provide Hoosiers with choices for how they interact with the agency.

Our strategic pillars remain as the foundation of what the BMV continuously strives for—investing in our team members and building equally sustainable and innovation solutions for our customers and partners. Those strategic pillars will help guide the team to deliver even better customer centric tools, whether that be a more user-friendly experience navigating myBMV at home, more options when using a BMV Connect kiosk, or even expanding with new tools that are not available today.

We measure our success in transaction metrics and interactions. No matter what innovation technology provides, the focus will always remain on delivering excellent customer service to Hoosiers.

Pillars of Excellence

2020 RSI Annual

See what the Ride Safe Indiana program has accomplished throughout the preceding year.

Go to the Annual Report

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