Legal Services is unable to give legal advice. Please consult an attorney if you need help with a legal issue or legal advice. If you have a question on a matter that is other than for the purpose of seeking a legal opinion or advise, please send your question in an email to doi@idoi.in.gov. A response could take about 7-10 business days.
IDOI is tasked with enforcing Indiana’s insurance laws.
Indiana’s Insurance Code, Title 27
Insurance Regulations, Indiana Administrative Code Title 760
Political Subdivision Risk Management Commissioner Regulations, Indiana Administrative Code Title 762
Legislative Update Summary
2018 Legislation Affecting the Insurance Code
Save the Date
The Indiana Department of Insurance will host its annual continuing legal education event on Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 – 4:30pm. This will include 2.5 hours of General credit and 1 hour of Ethics credit. The CLE will be virtual this year. Registration can be found through Eventbrite starting Tuesday, September 3. A follow up email with a link to the registration page will be provided.
Tickets will be limited and cost $25 per person. The cost for state regulators and state employees is waived. A link for registered participants will be sent prior to September 24 to the email provided during registration.
A draft agenda can be found below. Please direct any questions to IDOICLE@idoi.in.gov.
2024 IDOI CLE Agenda
1:00 – 1:30 – Introductions and IDOI Updates
Commissioner Amy L. Beard, IDOI
1:30 – 2:00 – Adventures in Dedicated Funds
Ed Fujawa, IDOI Deputy General Counsel
2:00 – 3:00 – NAIC Investments
Dan Daveline, NAIC Director of Financial Regulatory Services
3:00 – 4:00 – Ethics
Hope Blankenberger and Doreen Clark, OIG Staff Attorneys
4:00 – 4:30 – Wrap up and Closing Remarks
Commissioner Amy L. Beard, IDOI
Administrative Rules
The Indiana legislature, through the enactment of statutes, grants IDOI authority to promulgate administrative rules. Administrative rules have the force and effect of law. These rules are subject to a comprehensive process that requires IDOI to publish proposed rules, hold public hearings to receive comment, and obtain approval from the Indiana Governor before rules become final and enforceable. To view proposed and recent rules, click here for the current IDOI Rulemaking Docket.
NAIC Publications
Bulletins are documents that provide clarification on the law.
IDOI bulletins pertain to certain policies or areas of IDOI. To access current bulletin information please select from the list below.
- Bulletin 277 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 276 - Withdrawal of Association Health Plans Bulletin 245
- Bulletin 275 - Nonforfeiture Requirements for Index-Linked Variable Annuity Products
- Bulletin 274 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 273 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 272 - Public Adjuster Contracts
- Bulletin 271 - Transition from ACA to Medicare Written Notice
- Bulletin 270 - Clarification for Qualified Health Plans Regarding Coverage of Children to Age 26
- Bulletin 269 - Medicare Supplement Guaranteed Issue Special Enrollment Period
- Bulletin 268 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 267 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 266 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 265 - Extension of Renewal of Non-ACA-Compliant Policies
- Bulletin 264 - Requirement for Electronic Filing of Premium Tax Filings, Annual Renewal Fees, and Payments
- Bulletin 263 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 262 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 261 - Continuation of Extension of Approved Prior Authorizations
- Bulletin 260 - Continuation of Waiver of Clinical Information Requirements for Prior Authorization During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Bulletin 259 - Clarification of Public Law 151-2021 (SEA 325) Definition
- Bulletin 258 - Extension of Renewal of Non-ACA Compliant Policies
- Bulletin 257 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 256 - Extension of Approved Prior Authorizations
- Bulletin 255 - Waiver of Clinical Information Requirements for Prior Authorization During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Bulletin 254 - COVID-19 (3)
- Bulletin 253 - COVID-19 (2)
- Bulletin 252 - COVID-19
- Bulletin 251 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 250 - Extension of Renewal of Non-ACA-Complaint Policies
- Bulletin 249 - Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Disclaimer
- Bulletin 248 - Indiana Rate for Failure to Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 247 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 246 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 245 - Association Health Plans
- Bulletin 244 - Short-Term Limited Duration Health Plans
- Bulletin 243 - Extension of Renewal of Non-ACA-Compliant Policies
- Bulletin 242 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 241 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 240 - Interest Rate for Failure to Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 239 - Requirement for Electronic Filing of Surplus Lines Filings and Payments
- Bulletin 238 - Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 237 - Extension of Renewal of Transitional Policies
- Bulletin 236 - Non-Resident Third Party Administrator Licensing
- Bulletin 235 - Interest Rate for Failure To Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 234 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 233 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 232 - Mine Subsidence Insurance | FAQ's
- Bulletin 231 - Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Disclaimer
- Bulletin 230 - Notice of Implementation of Standard Valuation Law
- Bulletin 229 - Form of Consulting Agreement For Use by Agents | FAQ's
- Bulletin 228 - Handling of Clean Claims During the ACA Grace Period
- Bulletin 227 - Extension of Transitional Policy Renewals
- Bulletin 226 - Reporting of Multiple Medicare Supplement Policies
- Bulletin 225 - Patient's Compensation Fund - Surcharge Rates for Hospitals and Physicians
- Bulletin 224 - Interest Rate for Failure to Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 223 - Public Official Bonds
- Bulletin 222 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 221 - Small Employer Definition | FAQ's
- Bulletin 220 - Disclosures Provided with Life and Annuity Contracts
- Bulletin 219 - Price Optimization
- Bulletin 218 - Annuity and Variable Life & Annuity Producer Licensing
- Bulletin 217 - Mine Subsidence Insurance
- Bulletin 216 - Payment of Undisputed ABA Treatment During Appeals Process
- Bulletin 215 - Renewal of Large Group Transitional Policies
- Bulletin 214 – Prior Authorization Form
- Bulletin 213 – Patient’s Compensation Fund – Surcharge Rates for Hospitals and Physicians
- Bulletin 212 - Interest Rate for Failure to Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 211 - Postponement of Requirement for Electronic Filing of Premium Tax Filings, Annual Renewal Fees, and Payments
- Bulletin 210 - Service Contracts
- Bulletin 209 - Mine Subsidence Insurance
- Bulletin 208 - Old Order Amish Liability Aid
- Bulletin 207 - Ethics Requirement for Producer Continuing Education
- Bulletin 206 - Requirement for Electronic Filing of Premium Tax Filings, Annual Renewal Fees, and Payments
- Bulletin 205 - Transitional Grandmothered Policies
- Bulletin 204 - Guaranteed Availability of Issue Exceptions
- Bulletin 203 - Interest Rate for Failure To Pay a Clean Claim
- Bulletin 202 - Patient's Compensation Fund - Surcharge Rates for Hospitals and Physicians
- Bulletin 201 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 200 - Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Disclaimer
- Bulletin 199 - Deadlines for Filing Title Insurance Rates and Forms and Closing Protection Letter Fees Under New Indiana Laws
- Bulletin 198 - Qualified Health Plan Requirements
- Bulletin 197 - Geographical Rating Areas
- Bulletin 196 - Patient's Compensation Fund - Surcharge Rates for Hospitals and Physicians
- Bulletin 194 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 193 - Certification of Independent Review Organizations
- Bulletin 192 - Clarification of Various Bail Bond Laws
- Bulletin 191 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 189 - Coverage of Children to Age 26
- Bulletin 187 - Change to TIEFF Reporting Requirements
- Bulletin 186 - Patient's Compensation Fund - Surcharge Rates for Hospitals and Physicians
- Bulletin 185 - Medical Loss Ratio Requirements in the Small Group Market
- Bulletin 184 - Annuity and Variable Life & Annuity Licensing Changes
- Bulletin 183 - Continuing Ability of Companies to Issue Reinsurance
- Bulletin 181 - Open Enrollment Period for Children Under Age 19
- Bulletin 180 - Fees and Expenses Charged for Recovery of Fugitives
- Bulletin 179 - Pervasive Developmental Disorders Coverage Clarification
- Bulletin 178 - Commutation of policies used as proof of financial responsibility for the Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 177 - Rebating and Referral Fees
- Frequently Asked Questions regarding Bulletin 177
- Bulletin 176 - The use of credit information in underwriting and rating insurance policies
- Bulletin 174 - Group Accident and Health Loss History
- Bulletin 173 - Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 172 - Chemotherapy Benefits
- Bulletin 171 - Good Funds
- Bulletin 170 - Certificate of Insurance Practices
- Bulletin 169 - Online Printing of Insurance Producer Licenses
- Bulletin 167 - Coverage for Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices
- Bulletin 166 - Coverage for Self-Insured Hospitals, Residents, and Fellows
- Bulletin 165 - Class of Business as a Rating Factor to Assist Small Employers
- Bulletin 164 - Small Employers Health Insurance Pooling
- Bulletin 163 - Policy Cancellation Moratorium
- Bulletin 162 - Calculation of Reporting Endorsement Surcharge to the PCF
- Bulletin 161- Reporting Requirements for life insurance producer disciplinary actions on military installations
- Bulletin 160 - Flood Insurance Requirements for Producers
- Bulletin 158 Prohibition on the Use of Goods and Services as Gifts to Induce Title Insurance Business
- Bulletin 157 Personal Property and Casualty Fees
- Bulletin 156 Clarification of Coverage of Children to Age 24
- Bulletin 155 Provision of Annuities Electronically and NAVA Straight-Through Processing (STP) Standards
- Bulletin 154 Security for Electronic Transmission of Protected Health Information
- Bulletin 153 Coverage of Children to Age 24
- Bulletin 152 Notice of Commercial Coverage Change
- Bulletin 151 Indiana insurance Producer Pre-licensing Education Materials Conditional Approval
- Bulletin 150 Changes to the Indiana Producer Licensing Requirements
- Bulletin 149 Notice of Coverage, Reduction, Restriction or Removal
- Bulletin 148 Indiana Patient's Compensation Fund - Filings
- Bulletin 147 Payment of Surcharge to The Indiana Patient's Compensation Fund
- Bulletin 146 Indiana Insurance Producer Pre-licensing Course Content Outline
- Bulletin 145 Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Disclaimer
- Bulletin 144 Credit Life and Accident and Health Rates
- Bulletin 142 Life & Annuity Policy and Actuarial & Form Filings - Self Certification
- Bulletin 141 Withdrawal of Bulletins
- Bulletin 140 Prescriptions, DEA Numbers and Indiana Optometrists
- Bulletin 139 Title Insurance Enforcement Fund Fee
- Bulletin 138 PDL
- Bulletin 137 Universal Life Insurance: Minimum Reserves
- Bulletin 136 Insurance Coverage for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Bulletin 135 Title Insurance License Requirements
- Bulletin 133 Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion Waivers
- Bulletin 132 Credentialing of healthcare providers by insurers and HMOs
- Bulletin 131 ICHIA assessments and tax credits
- Bulletin 130 Credit information in underwriting and rating policies
- Bulletin 129 Patient's Comp Fund - filing and processing fees
- Bulletin 128 Dept. of Insurance - complaint filing notice
- Bulletin 126 Armed services members - personal lines coverage upon return
- Bulletin 125 Instructions for product filings
- Bulletin 124 Industrial insured transactions
- Bulletin 119 Patient's Compensation Fund Filings
- Bulletin 117 2002 healthcare tax credit for qualified plans - TAARA 2002
- Bulletin 115 Insurance Against Loss Due to Defects or Encumbrances on the Title to Real Property
- Bulletin 113 Producer Due Diligence When Selling Group Health Plans
- Bulletin 112 Withdrawal of Bulletin 109, Reinstatement of Bulletin 69
- Bulletin 111 The Use of Consumer Credit History in Personal Lines Insurance Rates
- Bulletin 108 Reinstatement of Insurance Producer License
- Bulletin 106 Foreign Language Product Filings
- Bulletin 103 Full and Final Discretion Clauses in Group Health Contracts
- Bulletin 100 Refund of Unearned Premium Accident and Sickness Insurance
- Bulletin 99 Certification of Independent Review Organizations
- Bulletin 93 Filing of Group Annuity Products
- Bulletin 89 Medicare Supplement Insurance-Changes in the Federal Balanced Budget Act
- Bulletin 88 Licensing of Credit Insurance Agents
- Bulletin 87 Surplus Lines Carriers and Medical Malpractice Insurance
- Bulletin 82 Automobile Insurance-Sales Tax
- Bulletin 78 Automobile Service Contracts and Reimbursement Insurance Contracts
- Bulletin 74 Legal Status of Insurance Binders
- Bulletin 72 House Bill 1517
- Bulletin 71 House Bill 1024
- Bulletin 69 Group Accident and Health Loss History Reports
- Bulletin 67 Procedures for Rating Organizations and Insurers Electing to File Loss Costs
- Bulletin 60 Retrospective Rating Plans for Medical Malpractice Insurance
- Bulletin 56 Commercial Property and Casualty Loss History Reports
- Bulletin 55 Individual Life Insurance Filing Requirements Previously Filed Forms: Changes in Nonforfeiture Values or Reserves
- Bulletin 47 Blended 1980 Mortality Tables
- Bulletin 45 Worker's Compensation
- Bulletin 44 Replacement of Existing Life Insurance Policies
- Bulletin 43 Placement of Group Casualty and Group Property Insurance Policies with Unauthorized Insurers
- Bulletin 39 Proprietors, Partners-Worker's Compensation/Accident and Health Insurance
- Bulletin 37 (Revised) Dental X-Rays and Diagnostic Material
- Bulletin 36 Agent Service and Billing Fees
- Bulletin 34 Illegal Bank Deposits
- Bulletin 28 Foreign Insurance Companies Writing Title Insurance in Indiana
- Bulletin 26 Automobile Liability and General Liability "Certificate of Insurance" Forms
- Bulletin 12 Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance-Accidental dismemberment Coverage
- Bulletin 2 Auto Insurance Rate Classifications