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Insurance Laws, Rules, & Bulletins


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IDOI is tasked with enforcing Indiana’s insurance laws.

Indiana’s Insurance Code, Title 27
Insurance Regulations, Indiana Administrative Code Title 760
Political Subdivision Risk Management Commissioner Regulations, Indiana Administrative Code Title 762

Legislative Update Summary

2018 Legislation Affecting the Insurance Code

Save the Date

The Indiana Department of Insurance will host its annual continuing legal education event on Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 – 4:30pm. This will include 2.5 hours of General credit and 1 hour of Ethics credit. The CLE will be virtual this year. Registration can be found through Eventbrite starting Tuesday, September 3. A follow up email with a link to the registration page will be provided.

Tickets will be limited and cost $25 per person. The cost for state regulators and state employees is waived. A link for registered participants will be sent prior to September 24 to the email provided during registration.

A draft agenda can be found below. Please direct any questions to

2024 IDOI CLE Agenda

1:00 – 1:30 – Introductions and IDOI Updates
Commissioner Amy L. Beard, IDOI

1:30 – 2:00 – Adventures in Dedicated Funds
Ed Fujawa, IDOI Deputy General Counsel

2:00 – 3:00 – NAIC Investments
Dan Daveline, NAIC Director of Financial Regulatory Services

3:00 – 4:00 – Ethics
Hope Blankenberger and Doreen Clark, OIG Staff Attorneys

4:00 – 4:30 – Wrap up and Closing Remarks
Commissioner Amy L. Beard, IDOI

Administrative Rules

The Indiana legislature, through the enactment of statutes, grants IDOI authority to promulgate administrative rules.  Administrative rules have the force and effect of law.  These rules are subject to a comprehensive process that requires IDOI to publish proposed rules, hold public hearings to receive comment, and obtain approval from the Indiana Governor before rules become final and enforceable.  To view proposed and recent rules, click here for the current IDOI Rulemaking Docket.

NAIC Publications

NAIC Publications page

Bulletins are documents that provide clarification on the law.

IDOI bulletins pertain to certain policies or areas of IDOI.  To access current bulletin information please select from the list below.

Historical Bulletins