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Marysville-Otisco-Nabb Water Corporation

Marysville-Otisco-Nabb Water Corporation provides water service in Clark County and Scott County.

The utility is requesting a rate increase of 63.90% in Cause No. 45955.

Update 6-5-24: The OUCC filed supplemental testimony on May 30, 2024.

Marysville-Otisco-Nabb Water Corporation filed its petition and the following testimony on Sept 29, 2023:

On Jan. 12, 2024 the OUCC filed the following testimony:

All publicly filed documents in the case (Cause No. 45955) are available on the Commission's website.

  • The OUCC is the state agency - separate from the IURC - that represents all consumers in cases before the Commission.
  • OUCC attorneys and analysts are reviewing the utility's testimony and exhibits. The case's proposed procedural schedule includes a Jan.12,2024 deadline for the OUCC to file testimony.
  • The OUCC issued a media release on Nov. 30, 2023, inviting  written public comments through Jan. 5, 2024.

Most rate cases take approximately 300 days to complete, and a final order from the IURC is expected in Spring 2024. The OUCC's timeline outlines the steps in the process.

This page will be updated based on case developments.
