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South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Rates

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South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co. provides service in Ripley and Dearborn counties.

To compare natural gas bills for regulated Indiana utilities, see the IURC's monthly residential surveys.

Key components in natural gas bills include gas costs and base rates.

2024 Base Rate Case

Base rates cover "non-gas" costs for a utility, including operational, maintenance, and capital costs. A natural gas utility is allowed to earn a return on this portion of the bill.

South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co. is requesting a 35.19% base rate increase in a newly filed case before the IURC. The OUCC's July 10, 2024 news release has more information.

All publicly filed documents in the rate case (Cause No. 46074-U) are available on the Commission's website.

Written consumer comments are invited for the case record through Aug. 8. The OUCC is scheduled to file its report with recommendations on Aug. 15, 2024.

The utility requested the increase through the state's Small Utility Filing Procedure, which is aimed at reducing rate case expenses while not reducing the standard of review by the OUCC and IURC.

The IURC approved current base rates for South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co. in 2018.

Gas Costs

Natural gas utilities buy gas for their customers in a competitive wholesale market. Indiana law allows utilities to adjust rates periodically to recover changes in those costs, which can go up or down. These costs comprise a significant portion of a residential bill and are recovered through the Gas Cost Adjustment (GCA) process.

  • Utilities may recover wholesale gas costs on a dollar-for-dollar basis but may not profit on them.
  • Before adjusting rates to reflect the costs, a utility must demonstrate that it has shopped prudently in the competitive market.
  • Each GCA filing requires OUCC review and IURC approval.

South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co. files gas cost adjustment requests every three months. The utility's most recent GCA (Cause No. 37885 GCA-131) received approval in June 2024.

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