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Bus Inspections

Bus # Inspection Date/Time Inspection Valid Until Inspection Type Inspection Status Violations Inspected By Reports
1 11/13/2023 2:12:00 PM Annual O
  • The parking brake fails to hold the bus during the testing procedure. (Note – It is NOT a violation if the test cannot be done due to OEM design
  • There is no seat belt cutter in the vehicle
  • The bus with a body build date of January 1, 2006 or after is not equipped with the noise suppression switch. EXEMPTION Type A buses - w/out noise making devices other OEM accessories not including two-way, AM/FM, Satellite, or similar.
  • There is no brake certification, or the certification has expired or is not signed
  • See Notes: Any defect inspector deems a violation not listed
  • See Notes: Any defect inspector deems a violation not listed
  • Upholstery or padding is ripped, torn, or improperly repaired
  • Prohibited area line is missing or improper
  • See Notes: Any defect inspector deems a violation not listed
  • Prohibited area sign is missing or obscured
Joel Flores Export Inspection Report
2 11/14/2023 12:11:00 PM Annual O
  • The bus is not inspected per Indiana State Law, including but not limited to failing to appear for a scheduled inspection.
  • Battery will not activate the starting motor
  • There is no brake certification, or the certification has expired or is not signed
Joel Flores Export Inspection Report
3 8/14/2024 10:15:01 AM 9/30/2025 12:00:00 AM Annual A None Joel Flores Export Inspection Report
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