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Bus Inspections

Bus # Inspection Date/Time Inspection Valid Until Inspection Type Inspection Status Violations Inspected By Reports
F1 9/20/2024 9:27:00 AM 10/19/2024 9:27:00 AM Annual R
  • Tailpipe does not extend to, or extends more than 1" beyond the perimeter of the bus body
  • Any marker light or lens is missing, cracked, faded, wrong color, or inoperative
  • Switch does not simultaneously disable interior noise-producing accessories such as radios or speakers, NOT including 2 way radios, defroster fans, passenger heater fans, powered roof ventilators, or any other noise- producing device. EXEMPTION Type A buses - OEM accessories not including two-way, AM/FM, Satellite, or similiar.
Eric Egbert Export Inspection Report
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