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Ecology and Waterway Permitting

Ecologist responsibilities:

  • Review, approve, and submit
    • Waters of the U.S. reports (WOTUS)
    • Evaluate project scope and resource impacts to determine required waterway permits
    • Waterway permit applications (IDEM 401/Isolated Wetland, USACE 404-408, USCG Section 10, IDNR CIF, County Regulated Drain, etc)
    • Karst investigation reports
    • Environmental mitigation plans and monitoring/maintenance reports for more than 300 stream, wetland, floodway, and bat mitigation properties throughout the State
  • Advise INDOT construction and maintenance staff on waterway permit compliance
  • Perform monitoring of environmental mitigation sites and prepare annual reports for submission to permitting agencies
  • Oversees INDOT compliance with the Endangered Species Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and agency MOUs

Waterway Permitting

Permitting for impacts to regulated resources (streams, wetlands, floodways, forest) for INDOT transportation projects through regulatory agencies (IDEM, USACE, IDNR, USFWS, USCG, Counties)


Checklists are provided as a guideline for the preparation of work products by the agent prior to EWP review and approval. They are not all inclusive and an acceptable review by the agent does not guarantee that modifications will not be required prior to EWP approval.

Contact Information

Sandra Bowman
Manager-Ecology & Permits
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN 758-ES
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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