Ecologist responsibilities:
- Review, approve, and submit
- Waters of the U.S. reports (WOTUS)
- Evaluate project scope and resource impacts to determine required waterway permits
- Waterway permit applications (IDEM 401/Isolated Wetland, USACE 404-408, USCG Section 10, IDNR CIF, County Regulated Drain, etc)
- Karst investigation reports
- Environmental mitigation plans and monitoring/maintenance reports for more than 300 stream, wetland, floodway, and bat mitigation properties throughout the State
- Advise INDOT construction and maintenance staff on waterway permit compliance
- Perform monitoring of environmental mitigation sites and prepare annual reports for submission to permitting agencies
- Oversees INDOT compliance with the Endangered Species Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and agency MOUs
Contact Information
Sandra Bowman
Manager-Ecology & Permits
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN 758-ES
Indianapolis, IN 46204