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Advocate for People

What Is Advocacy?

Advocacy is when you support a cause or an idea and you are willing to speak up and work to support that cause or idea. Advocacy is central to the mission of Indiana Disability Rights.

What Is Self-Advocacy?

Self-advocacy is when you are able to speak for yourself and control your own life and choices, rather than having others speak for you or make your choices for you or control you. Self-advocacy means you take responsibility for yourself, and you stand up for yourself and what you want. Indiana Disability Rights encourages everyone to learn to advocate for themselves and put that advocacy into action.

What If I Need Help Advocating For Myself?

If you don’t feel comfortable advocating for yourself, an advocate at Indiana Disability Rights may be able assist you. There are tools, skills, tactics, and other information that may be available to help you.

What If Advocacy Is Not Enough?

Indiana Disability Rights may be able to assist by providing tools and guidance and when necessary even provide advocacy specialists and legal representation. Indiana Disability Rights can work with you to address your individual concerns. Indiana Disability Rights is important because we only represent the individual with a disability. We work to achieve your wishes, not the wishes of caregivers, family or anyone else.

What Can I Do?

Self-advocacy is the key to long term success but we all need some extra help sometimes. Don’t hesitate to contact Indiana Disability Rights with your disability related concerns.

You can reach us by calling 800-622-4845 or filling out our online help form below:

Need help? Click here to contact Indiana Disability Rights.