Supplier Resource Center
- Procurement
- Current: Supplier Resource Center
Bid Opportunities are listed on the Current Business Opportunities web page.
Submission Processes are transitioning. It is imperative to review the sourcing documents to adhere to the submission process specific to each event. Timelines remain critical. Each process requires actions to be taken prior to submission that pose potential risk of delay outside the control of the State and of the Respondent.
A bidder registration is required to access the Supplier Portal and to respond to a bid opportunity. Click here for more information about bidder registration.
Requirements to do Business with the State
Requirements to do Business with the State. Any company wanting to do business with the State of Indiana must register with the following state agencies: IDOA, COMP, SOS.
How the State of Indiana Buys
The State of Indiana has different methods for purchasing products and services based on the estimated price of the project.
Programs and Preferences
There are a number of programs and preferences that influence the design and evaluation of bids. These can have a large impact on the award of a contract.
How to Respond to a Solicitation
It is important to follow the specific instructions provided in the individual solicitation packet. There are some requirements that apply to all solicitations.
Solicitation Evaluation
Agencies will evaluate quotes of responsive bidders by reviewing specifications and other evaluation criteria that is defined in the solicitation.
Find Current Bidding Opportunities
Some purchasing methods used by the State of Indiana will require solicitations. It is important to know where to watch for these opportunities and sign up for notifications.
Award Recommendations
IDOA will make an award recommendation based on the evaluation of the RFP responses.
After the Award
The proposal(s) that received an award recommendation may be selected for further action such as contract negotiations.
Contract Process
Many State of Indiana agencies use the Supplier Contracts Management (SCM) module for the contract process. With this module, contracts will be signed and tracked electronically.
Supplier Responsibilities
Supplier Performance is monitored on all State contracts.
Award Protests
A supplier may submit a formal protest regarding solicitation specifications or procedures by following the IDOA Protest Procurement Policy.
Purchasing Terms and Definitions
The State of Indiana procurement process uses many acronyms and terms. Some of these are defined by Indiana Code and may not be used as the standard definition.