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The Blog of the Indiana State Archives

  IARA Divisions State Archives Collections From the Vault Blog


Post by IARA Electronic Records Archivist Kalita López                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Edited by Ann Young, State Records Management Liaison
December 2024

Indiana, like other state governments across the United States, is preparing for our 2024 leadership transitions. During these periods of significant change, the importance of robust records management practices cannot be overstated. Without best practices in place, critical institutional knowledge can be lost in the shuffle. Transitions often reveal an agency’s shortcomings for preserving vital agency records. By addressing records management concerns before the transition, agencies can ensure accountability, transparency, and compliance with state codes and retention schedules.

One of the primary concerns during transitions is ensuring that both incoming and outgoing officials understand their responsibilities regarding records management. This includes distinguishing between official records, which must be preserved as part of the public record, and personal materials, which are not subject to state retention schedules. Agencies should establish clear guidelines to help staff make these distinctions and ensure that public records are properly maintained or transferred to the State Archives.

Agencies can take proactive steps by developing a standardized process for managing their records during transitions. Entrance and exit procedures should include records management as a core component, ensuring that departing officials leave behind all relevant documentation and incoming staff are equipped to take on their roles effectively. Periods of change offer opportunities for agencies to assess their strengths and weaknesses in records management. By reviewing existing protocols, identifying areas for improvement, incorporating feedback from past transitions, and working with the Records and Information Management division of the Indiana Archives and Records Administration, agencies can build more resilient systems that support both day-to-day operations and long-term governance goals.

This is also an ideal time for agencies to review their retention schedules and ensure they align with current practices. Many agencies may find that their schedules reflect outdated procedures, such as sending paper records to the record center, while their office now produces records electronically. Agencies should contact the State Records Management Liaison at to update their schedules. Some agencies may discover that they have years of records that should have been transferred but lack clarity on how to transfer electronic records. Agencies with un-transferred records or questions about transferring digital files should contact the Electronic Records Program at for guidance. The Electronic Records Archivists are always more than happy to help.

Leadership transitions are not only a logistical challenge but are also an opportunity to reinforce the principles of good governance. By prioritizing records management, state governments can ensure that transitions are seamless, efficient, and in the best interest of the public they serve.