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Table 6
Deaths from 39 Selected Causes by Race and Sex: 
Indiana Residents by Cities over 25,000 in Population*, 2009

Table # / City Name Table # / City Name
6a Summary 6-15 Indianapolis
    (all cities) 6-16 Jeffersonville
6-0 Indiana 6-17 Kokomo
    6-18 Lafayette
6-1 Anderson 6-19 Marion
6-2 Bloomington 6-20 Merrillville
6-3 Carmel 6-21 Michigan City
6-4 Columbus 6-22 Mishawaka
6-5 East Chicago 6-23 Muncie
6-6 Elkhart 6-24 New Albany
6-7 Evansville 6-25 Noblesville
6-8 Fishers 6-26 Portage
6-9 Fort Wayne 6-27 Richmond
6-10 Gary 6-28 South Bend
6-11 Goshen 6-29 Terre Haute
6-12 Greenwood 6-30 Valparaiso
6-13 Hammond 6-31 West Lafayette
6-14 Hobart 6-32 Balance of State

*Cities over 25,000 based on the 2000 Census.

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