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Asia 2009

Trip Schedule

Monday, September 7 (China)

Governor Daniels will speak at an event in Shanghai hosted by Cummins Inc. for manufacturing suppliers. Cummins is headquartered in Columbus. In the afternoon, the governor will meet with local officials and representatives from the Shanghai Foreign Commerce Commission, the organization which oversees all inbound and outbound investment for the Shanghai province. The governor will host a reception for the Hoosier Club of Shanghai, a local network of business leaders and alumni from Indiana colleges and universities.

Tuesday, September 8 (China)

Governor Daniels will meet with representatives from several companies in Shanghai before giving a speech on Indiana’s clean energy initiatives at the American Chamber of Commerce’s Greentech: A Call to Action conference. The governor also will meet with officials from Eli Lilly & Company at Lilly’s facility at the Pudong Science Park and will host a Friends of Indiana reception for representatives of Chinese companies that conduct business in Indiana or are interested in locating in the state.

Wednesday, September 9 (China)

The governor will travel by train to Hangzhou, in Zhejiang Province, where he will be joined by Purdue University Vice Provost Dr. Victor Lechtenberg for meetings with representatives of the Zhejiang Agricultural Bureau, the organization which oversees agriculture policy, including the import of products from the U.S. Daniels also will meet with Zhao Hongzhu, the Party Secretary of Zhejiang province, who is hosting a banquet in the evening to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the sister-state agreement between Indiana and Zhejiang. Former Governor Robert Orr signed a sister state agreement with Zhejiang Governor Shen Zulun in Indianapolis on July 23, 1987.

Thursday, September 10 (China)

Governor Daniels will conduct business meetings and visit the Spirit of Humanity Sculpture in Zhejiang. The sculpture is a gift given to the Province by then-Governor Frank O’Bannon in honor of the 10th anniversary of the sister-state relationship. Daniels also will meet with Zhejiang Governor Lu Zushan. Both governors will conduct a joint availability with members of the local and international media in the afternoon.

In the evening, Daniels will attend a banquet hosted by Governor Lu Zushan.

Friday, September 11 (China/Japan)

The Indiana delegation will travel from Hangzhou to Tokyo, Japan to continue its economic development mission.

Saturday, September 12 (Japan)

Governor Daniels will travel by train to Tochigi Prefecture, Indiana’s sister-state in Japan, where he will meet with Tochigi Governor Tomikazu Fukuda. The governors will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the sister-state agreement by planting a tulip tree, the official state tree of Indiana, in the central park of Tochigi. Daniels also will speak at the 10th Anniversary Commemorative Symposium at Tobu Hotel before attending a reception for the Indiana delegation hosted by Governor Fukuda.

Sunday, September 13 (Japan)

The governor will attend the Midwest U.S.–Japan Association Conference Executive Meeting and Gala Reception in Tokyo. Daniels is one of three Midwest governors currently scheduled to attend the conference. Lieutenant governors from others states also will attend.

Monday, September 14 (Japan)

Governor Daniels will address attendees at the opening ceremony of the Midwest U.S.–Japan Association Conference and will meet with Honda President Takanobu Ito and representatives from Mitsubishi Corporation and Sony Corporation.

Tuesday, September 15 (Japan)

The governor and IEDC officials will conduct business meetings with prospective companies as well as companies that currently have operations in Indiana including Toyota Motor Corporation and Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru). In the evening, Daniels will host a Friends of Indiana reception.

Wednesday, September 16 (Japan)

The governor and members of the Indiana delegation will return to Indianapolis from Tokyo.