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Indiana River Otter Trapping

River Otter Trapping Season

The river otter trapping season is from Nov. 15 through March 15, or until the quota is met. The seasonal bag limit is two otters per person. There is a maximum of 750 otters for the season. If the 750 quota is reached before March 15, the season will close early. A valid Indiana trapping license is required to set traps for river otters.  As of 2024, the river otter season is open statewide.

Federal law requires each otter pelt to be tagged before it is sold. A two-step registration system has been set up to collect harvest information, tag river otters, and gather biological data (see below).

Mandatory River Otter Registration

Step 1: Successful trappers must register their otter within 24 hours using CheckIN Game.

Step 2: Successful trappers must skin the otter and separate the pelt from the carcass before registering the pelt with a designated Indiana DNR employee or official Indiana DNR river otter check station. You must present the skinned river otter carcass, including the head, and pelt for physical registration and CITES tagging within 15 days after the month of harvest.

For physical registration of river otter, successful trappers should take their otter to an authorized check station. Trappers should call the property in advance to ensure staff availability.  You may also call the furbearer tagging hotline at 812-353-8282 for the nearest options near you.

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