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Probation Officer Orientation

In accordance with the minimum qualifications for probation officers that became effective on July 1, 1984, a probation officer is required to attend the orientation program within one year from the date that he/she is employed. However, the Indiana Office of Court Services (IOCS) recommends that a new officer attend within the first 6 months of employment.

The orientation program will feature presentations on adult and juvenile supervision, interviewing and report writing, and special populations. Faculty will consist of judges, probation officers and other professionals.

Chief probation officers can register new probation officers to attend orientation through our registration site. The chief probation officer must affirm that the salary of the new probation officer complies with the Schedule of Minimum Salaries for Probation Officers (both full-time and part-time). A confirmation will be emailed to the new probation officer, with details pertaining to orientation instructions.

Suicide Prevention Training

Resources on training options are available in the Indiana Safety and Security Guide (Chapter 10).  Other training opportunities may be available through local hospitals, local community mental health centers, and Mental Health America Indiana.  The Indiana Office of Court Services will offer training on suicide awareness and prevention at the annual Justice Services Conference.

Free online training: Columbia Suicide Prevention Screener

Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) screening version

QPR: Gatekeeper to Suicide Prevention is available on-demand

To view upcoming training and exam dates, go to the Justice Services Calendar.

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